damn!i want to give you more rep.Huntress>felicity>laurel>sarah>theah>asian baddie>Sin
Hah. Huntress needs to make another appearance. Is shado the asian chick villain with the blonde wig or the cute eyecandy on the island with queen?damn!i want to give you more rep.
That scene in season 1 where Oliver walked in on Thea and the douchebag really dropped her hotness for me. Her anorexia and chicken legs were pretty gross.Two chinese chicks > Thea > Felicity (dat ass) > > > Diggle > Laurel > Laurel's sister
He's a sexy beast. Thea Vs. Her mom was more of a toss up.That's a pretty high spot for Diggles.
prolly doesn't need spoilersSo no one else is nerding out that Etrigan is in this shit? Yeah, you'll all see. Fucker better speak in rhymes, though
When my brain started rumbling about that, I stuck my fingers in my ears and chanted "La LA LA". Stupid brain........ill just say im glad the russians have no legal system, they catch you with mass amounts of drugs and right then take you to the one prison in all of russia you wanted to get into and your cellmate speaks fluent english and their cell houses the world's largest clock. so many stars lined up for this to escape plan to happen, its damned amazing.
This also the same show where a guy with a bow and arrow fights criminals who apparently all went to the same shooting academy as Imperial Storm Troopers. Its comic books bro, all main Characters get a 2+ save and +25 to luck rolls.so much stuff happens in just one episode, its hard to encapsulate it all into a single comment. ill just say im glad the russians have no legal system, they catch you with mass amounts of drugs and right then take you to the one prison in all of russia you wanted to get into and your cellmate speaks fluent english and their cell houses the world's largest clock. so many stars lined up for this to escape plan to happen, its damned amazing.