Xenomorph looking ravager mask was lame, i dunno what the fuck the costume designers were thinking. Still the best show on TV. I don't really feel one way or the other about the BC situation as long as some stupid love triangle thing doesn't get any real screen/plot time, that shit is what made the beginning of season 1 so slow and meh. I feel one of the great things about the show is it not being about adolescent sex/romance entanglement emo-shit. Let teenage girls watch the vampire diaries for that crap. Diggle has a chick he's fixed on that is rarely seen, Felicity has a nerd romance with guy on another show that will only be seen in crossovers, and Oliver's romantic thing with Sara has been pretty much a 5 seconds per show footnote the whole season. The worst thing they could do is turn Arrow into 90210 next season. Just keep doing what you're doing now, sustainthis shit right here!