There is no way he shot at Felicity, as someone already said, they would have shown it as a cliffhanger. That was most likely Oliver shooting at him instead.
Routh definitely had some pinkeye or something going on there, kind of doubt he was stoned. I also sort of doubt that they'll send Felicity off to a new show, but on the other hand I can see them trying to draw viewers over by doing it, so anything is possible. Eliminating the "shippers" from Arrow probably isn't in their best interest though.
I thought Laurel looked ten times better in this episode, both in the wedding scene and then in her lawyer outfit. Like maybe she's gained 5 pounds or something and most of it went back to her face. If she gains a few more pounds and works on her fighting techniques I can see myself liking her again and being fine if they do send Felicity off and focus on just her and Oliver (relationship-wise).
I wonder how they are going to explain how Deadshot is still alive. You'd assume that Waller would instantly know if he's alive or dead from his implant, so I'm sure he'll just be knocked out or something and picked up, but I can hope for something a little more exciting.