The two most artsy things hanging in my place.
I surprisingly enough. don't own much art either. Poor artist=no original art. haha. I should call in some favors. I know one of my friends has Stelfreeze do a painting at least 1 a year.
I think I have talked about it here before.
I took a good number of art classes in college, entirely as an elective. I majored in horticulture.
at one point, an instructor gave us a "assignment" to basically do an essay on our favorite artist. I drew a blank. I didn't just not have one. but, even when going and looking. I came up with nothing.
At the time, I didn't really see art as art. Definitely not any viable career option.
To this day I think this is a serious problem in our schooling. My school absolutely failed at this utterly. Art classes even in highschool are still stupid shit like pottery, making stools, finger painting.
At the time there was 1 Mac. and iirc photoshop 4. you had to get in line to be the 1 person out of like 20 that could use it.
no illustration. no comics. no advertising. no architecture.
Guidance counselor, not a chance.
And frankly, college art building wasn't much better. While core IS there hidden. Not focused enough. A bit too random. Walk in the building and you are still greeted by pottery, random bullshit sculptures like already mentioned.
This was UConn. Not an art school obviously, but still an art program.
(I will mention at one point someone did make a black and white comic, and left a stack of them to take in the building at one point. I wish I kept it, or knew who they were at this point)
Wasn't until like a month before my graduation, that I checked out the comic shop out of curiosity. I was right next to the art store, and I had never been to one. started reading comics.
And then shortly after, took a trip to Hawaii. and that really stands as a huge shift in my view of art. Advertising. The skill and mastery in this stuff is phenomenal. This poster was on the wall of the hotel. Blew my mind. I have a print in my studio.
Book covers/movie posters of course as well. That Gatsby poster.