

Molten Core Raider

I'm still pretty dubious about Syfy but it does seem like they are making more of an effort to get back to science fiction.

This looks like it might be interesting, but mostly I love that it's a mini series, so hopefully it won't be drawn out too long.


<Gold Donor>
My only thoughts are that I will watch anything with Tricia Helfer at least once.

Other than that, I'm cautiously optimistic but not expecting anything great.


Looks pretty decent. Crossing my fingers for anything remotely resembling BSG quality. I'll give any non-campy sci-fi a chance, and will second the Tricia Helfer comment too.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
This looks like the big break for show runner Phillip Levens. The cast looks fine for this kind of show. It's probably going to to depend on the quality of the writing and what kind of stories they want to tell. If they waste the setting and end up doing a romance filled murder mystery drama it'll probably be a bore. They can do a lot with the whole "Remnants of civilization trying to survive and rebuild" premise so we'll have to wait and see. My expectations are low.


Tranny Chaser
What the fuck. Not even rotation to simulate gravity?? Just gonna have artificial gravity or are we meant to assume that it's accelerating at 1g this whole time?


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I read a big write-up of this that said the 2 episodes they sent out to reviewers were great.


Tranny Chaser
Oh. Right. Never mind.

I made a promise to myself about half way through that I dunno if I will be able to keep now.


Tranny Chaser
truman show wtf?
Yeah as soon as I realized that there were too many WTF how in space?? questions then I felt we were headed towards it being all a simulation that was running for the past 50 years. Thing is what can they possibly learn from this that is worth all the effort? If they do decide to make more episodes of it how do you keep things going and to what end? It will be interesting to see the below-decks guy's reaction to having been on Earth the whole time


Blackwing Lair Raider
What the fuck. Not even rotation to simulate gravity?? Just gonna have artificial gravity or are we meant to assume that it's accelerating at 1g this whole time?
Watch to the end of the episode for explanation of the "artificial gravity"


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah as soon as I realized that there were too many WTF how in space?? questions then I felt we were headed towards it being all a simulation that was running for the past 50 years. Thing is what can they possibly learn from this that is worth all the effort? If they do decide to make more episodes of it how do you keep things going and to what end? It will be interesting to see the below-decks guy's reaction to having been on Earth the whole time
I am not sure this is a truman show but more of a eugenics program which were things kicked around in that time period


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah. I don't know what to make of this.
The writing feels.. off.
Just too many incongruities.

Like you watch Dark City,13th floor, the matrix or play fallout, and the culture as presented follows the idea.
This.. the technology, fashion, language, and culture does not fit the idea that this group of people branched off from American society in the 60's.

We have the name drops for movies like Gidget etc. but thats it.
There is also a problem with the suggestions of angst for being stuck on the spaceship. Those kids would only know the spaceship. They would have no concept of not being on it. Reality would be more like Battlestar Galactica. Them reading about Earth, would be like us reading about Camelot. they would romanticize it, sure. but, in no way would they be angsty, angry or anything. again, it would be like one of us being angry we don't live in the roaring twenties after watching/reading Gatsby.
I suppose it can be explained as the illusion is not complete. Subconsciously they knew something was wrong.

And then, what is the point of any of this?


Tranny Chaser
I can maybe see this as a eugenics program disguised as a spaceship, especially with the arranged marriages they speak about from the gene-matching and the hyper controlled birth rate excused by a closed ecosystem. In this context the little girl is the kwisatz haderach? Just seems a bit too far fetched to be achievable with 1960s technology, not to mention that if they are apparently capable enough to invent their own technology breakthroughs over the past 50 years (which from sidebar stories about the show is how the video card stuff fits in) how do they not realize the problems with artificial gravity or how retarded it is to have pigs and chickens on a goddamn colony ship.

The notion of the Rubicon makes me scratch my head. Presumably they've been accelerating this whole time to get to a good fraction of light speed and also have 'gravity' so at the halfway point they need to flip the ship over and decelerate over the second half of the voyage (also providing gravity simulation). By the time they get to the point where they aren't actually moving away from Earth they will be at their destination.

Then again a 1g acceleration gets to very near light speed in a year so not only would they have severe problems with any interstellar dust as they reached relativistic speeds, they would be in major time dilation territory. 50 years for them would be hundreds of thousands of years back on Earth and they could be well outside the Milky Way they must have given up accelerating awhile ago and we are back to WTF gravity.

Science officer must be in on the ruse


Silver Knight of the Realm
It's a good start for the syfy channel,,,need more sci fi / fantasy attempts, eventually something will come along as good as BSG


<Gold Donor>
Well, I'm glad to see they aren't skimping on the near-nudity at least. Not sure what to make of the rest of the show (after watching Part 1 so far). I think I would have liked it better if it were really as advertised.


Avatar of War Slayer
just a pot luck of ideas. almost scattershot, ugh. no real theme or concept driving it.

its a test of long term space travel. We'll then admit that doesn't make any sense at all.
Eugenics maybe? Maybe someone just got 200billion to make a space Rapture? or, maybe someone read Watchman? are they making a psychic Squid on that space ship?

And everyone is super shady!
Just like the Cube! actually, is the cube? weird government test in creating 4 dimensional prisons?
I think this the plot to the Cube 2, hypercube.

no references to the cave parable yet. weird.

Psychic girl, twin towers reference, war in the middle east. hahaha.
This is terrible.