Assassin's Creed: Unity


Lord Nagafen Raider
Did the mistake last night of trying to play some AC3 to get back into the games...

UPLAY... HOLY FUCK is that drm beyond retarded. Am trying to play a game i purchased legally on steam. The fucker then tries to log me into a ubisoft account. Am like fuck you, i got enough accounts has it is. Then i realise, jesus tits, i cant play AC without logging in their xboxlive. So i do their stupid registration. Then am in my ubisoft gaming lobby, finally, and am like, ok, where is the fuckin play button.

Skip a few raging minutes with me starting to sweat like i did a work out ( was warm last night), and there i am being forced again to download UPLAYZ, another abortion of a system ubisoft invented. At that point, am flipping desk and yelling fuck this shit.

tldr : i couldnt play my legally bought version of AC last night even tho i wanted and i raged.

I actually have a friend who works at ubi. Holy fuck do i know what the topic of our next discussion will be.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Ubisoft just saved you from reliving the horror of AC3. You should thank them this time around.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Ah I thought it was cool and surprising when the attractive man found out the attractive female was a templar and he ended up killing her. But then when they showed he just cut her ropes I rolled my eyes. This whole thing reeks of laziness. All they have to do is change a few textures, hire a bunch of french voice actors and make a new map and they've got a 'new' assassin's creed.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Ah I thought it was cool and surprising when the attractive man found out the attractive female was a templar and he ended up killing her. But then when they showed he just cut her ropes I rolled my eyes. This whole thing reeks of laziness. All they have to do is change a few textures, hire a bunch of french voice actors and make a new map and they've got a 'new' assassin's creed.
Do not agree with you and cant wait.



Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Guillotine spin to win. That's kinda fucked up. Hanging spin to win. Electric Chair spin to win. Firing squad spin to in. Draw N Quarter spin to win(The Braveheart special).


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
The coop looks cool, but I imagine the gameplay will end up being the same 'charge in group of enemies, easily obliterate them with far superior weapons'. These games really suffer from being way too easy, you don't really get a chance to exercise the combat system.


<Prior Amod>
Ubisoft just saved you from reliving the horror of AC3. You should thank them this time around.
pretty much this, this is the only time Uplay gets a hand clap. seriously, did you want to run around as mowgli for 5 hours hunting stupid animal pelts just to advance the story so you can grow up?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
pretty much this, this is the only time Uplay gets a hand clap. seriously, did you want to run around as mowgli for 5 hours hunting stupid animal pelts just to advance the story so you can grow up?
I couldnt agree more here. I couldnt stand running from tree to tree hunting animals and setting traps. That part was soooooo boring.


Vyemm Raider
Skill leveling is in, and you can choose to drop points in stealth, combat, or navigation. You could potentially make a tank who is awesome at fighting, or a better stealth player.
You can now customize your legs, boots, forearms, chest, hood, and mask. And the armor/clothing has attributes like a hood that makes you blend faster in crowds and a belt that allows you to hold more items.
Co-op missions can be done solo as well and have multiple difficulties. You can also explore the whole world in co-op
They realized that with the multiplayer in the last games they were essentially making two separate games, and they didn't want to do that. They noted that people buy the game for the campaign and the added-on multiplayer wasn't the same experience, so they went back to the drawing board to get co-op in.
They are using a similar technique as Watch_Dogs for co-op, in your game you are always Arno, and everyone else looks like other brotherhood members, but in their game they are Arno and you look like a brotherhood member (like how you are always Aiden in Watch_Dogs).
NO MORE AUTO-FAIL MISSIONS! The missions now adapt to what happens when you play and don't follow any script. There will be changes and consequences for how you handle missions, but no longer will you get desynchronized for being spotted.
You use the new rapid descend ability from buildings by hitting RT + B. Haystacks still exist, but they found you don't use them near as often now.
The interiors really open up the game. You can run into a building to hide from guards, but there may be guards inside too. You can also use interiors for assassinations, hiding in windows, etc.
You really notice the new 1:1 scale for buildings, and the amount of buildings on the streets seems higher than any of the other games.
Stealth mode softens your footsteps, but you still move rapidly. Great for sneaking up on guards.
New cover system makes hiding easier and you can now peek.
Guards no longer automatically know where you are at all times once alerted, they will now search your last known location which makes it easier to get away and even flank them.
Combat is now harder. You may be able to beat two or three guys but five is too many. You have to pay attention to what weapons enemies have now. "For the first time, we have boss fights that are about parrying at the right time, making sure you dodge, and not spamming the attack button."
The NPC groups now react to each other. Thugs may attack you on sight, but guards/police won't unless provoked. Police may go after thugs, which means you can lure thugs to the police and watch the police go after them.
They are starting a "new cycle" with the present day stuff. "You are the protagonist ultimately." You will understand in the first 20 minutes of the game where they are going with it. It's "cool" and "very, very surprising."


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Combat is now harder. You may be able to beat two or three guys but five is too many. You have to pay attention to what weapons enemies have now. "For the first time, we have boss fights that are about parrying at the right time, making sure you dodge, and not spamming the attack button."
Sounds good but I don't really believe it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Wow guess no ones give a shit about this game anymore lol? Comes out tomorrow but the whole setting just feels meh. Running around antique french rooms doesn't sound at all appealing.


Registered Hutt
Sounds as good as the italian renaissance, and much better than Istanbul. I'm curious what role the templars play in the political shitstorm. I haven't read much about it.

I want more development stuff, like some mini-tycoon type shit. AC:B, I think? had passive money generators, but I want something more significant. Most of the completionist stuff in these is just ~blah, but capturing the shanties in the last one was great. Those shanties were sex.


FPS noob
mine arrives tomorrow, gonna play but i'm not big into french anything so be interesting to see if i can get into the game - AC2 and 4 are in my top 5 games list so dunno how this will land.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Yeah I really am looking forward to it, was strongly considering it an excuse for the Xbox One bundle. At the end though I'm just going to wait and catch it on sale for PS4 down the road.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Seeing reports that this game runs like shit even on consoles. Anyone have their copy yet and can confirm?


I wonder if that's why they have a review embargo until noon est (7 minutes from now). Let people buy the game and play it so they cant return it


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
This weekend there was a stream going on where they did one of the four player missions. The combat animations / sync looked terrible. Not sure if it is specific to multi-player or what, but as a huge fan it really turned me off.