Columnvs. Azeth - easy to miss if you avoid Other Games or the Sports forums. I'll go Column just because no matter what he says, you can't hear it over his overbearing condescension.
Tanoombavs. Hoss - hate to give Tanoomba what he wants, but how can you vote for anyone else?
Delicate Flower vs.I'm Rich Bitch- another one that is easy to miss unless you read every forum. IRB, I guess.
a_skeleton_03vs. ZombieWizardHawk - a_skeleton_03 just to ruin Hodj's day
Kirunvs. Numbers - Kirun since Numbers has been banned forever (deservedly so)
Tyen vs.Araysar- Araysar, this time I hope he stays gone
Mistvs. Draegan - Mist. how many temper tantrums do we really need to witness?
popsicledeathvs. Itzena - Astropop. the wonder twins ruined the True Detective thread, so I have to vote for the half that is left. I learned to ignore Itzena at least two messageboards ago