So this is Araysar running his mouth and losing another bar fight again isn't it?
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So this is Araysar running his mouth and losing another bar fight again isn't it?
Araysar vs. wormie
this has been the WORST election of all times. lurkingdirk you need to rethink the rules for next year. I'm not talking about opening it up for past winners, because fuck that but something needs to happen because every year the "best" is removed from the pool thus making the remaning field weaker. That format can not be sustained.
having said that, in a few days the title will be gone but you're all still gonna remain a bunch of sad-one-good-cry-away-from-offing-yourselves-parade-having-tranny-loving-pedos
This summed up the entire thread, and my vote.Wormie. He'd get mad about it, and that's the whole point.
Araysar would revel in it.
This summed up the entire thread, and my vote.
I heard he went paragliding at a festival.He's probably just on vacation.
He stayed quiet just long enough to get eliminated, but this dude was always the Asshat of the century. Rates Locked In, motherfuckers.Dude, this year's tournament isn't even over yet and you're already campaigning for 2024. At least wait until we are IN 2024, dear God.
After long consideration, I must vote for Araysar.
He has done a lot of work setting up a heads I win tails you lose situation here, but watching Araysar try to turn the Asshat Medal from a hideous ignominy associated with the likes of Tanoomba, Brando, and Bubbles would be far more entertaining than watching wormie deal with this in whatever smoothbrained way he might come up with.
This has definitely been one of the most entertaining contests of the last few years. Personally I hope lurkingdirk keeps the voting open for another 24 hours just to make sure there may or may not be some lurkers out there who still want to participate in the vote.
PS: the final vote could have been a poll, making your job easier... what an asshat.
Extended to Monday. What a fucking shock. Goddamned asshats.