Okay, voting is closed. For real this time. More in a moment.

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Okay, voting is closed. For real this time. More in a moment.
Bodhy with 40 out of 47 votes. We are going to have our first Asshat in absentia.Here we go:
Zaara 14 vs. Dicktrickle 31 - Dicktrickle advances
Ignatius 11 vs. Lightning Lord Rule 35 - LLR advances
... 19 vs. frenzied wombat 27 - frenzied wombat advances
Indyocracy 21 vs. Bandwagon 27 - Bandwagon advances
Butthurt 16 vs. Ambiturner 30 - Ambiturner advances
Blazin 28 vs. Maul 18 - Blazin advances
Denamian 24 vs. Nirgon 21 - Denamian advances
Kaines 14 vs. Boozecube 32 - Boozecube advances
Cybsled 17 vs. Talos 29 - Talos advances
Gutterflesh 8 vs. Tuco 42 - Tuco advances
Hoss 20 vs. Soygen 24 - Soygen advances
popsicledeath 25 vs. Muurloen 18 - popsicledeath advances
Zapatta 30 vs. Oblio 18- Zapatta advances
Rajaah 19 vs. Music For Fish 22 - Music For Fish advances
Deathwing 18 vs. BrutulTM 29 - BrutulTM advances
Jasker 20 vs. Sanrith Descartes 23 - Sanith Descartes advances
Mist 36 vs. Erronius 10 - Mist advances
grim1 20 vs. Kiroy 21 - Kiroy advances
Adebisi 16 vs. Chukzombi Astr0Creep 29 - Chukzombie advances
Stupidmonkey 16 vs. lurkingdirk 29 - lurkingdirk advances
Edaw 11 vs. Izo 32 - Izo advances
Dr. Retarded 3 vs. Chris 42 - Chris advances
RobXIII 38 vs. Moglyzoke Moogleman 7 - RobXIII advances
spronk 7 vs. Bodhy 40 - Bodhy advances
Go vote.
AssHat 2023 Voting round 2!!
Here we go. The field is already narrowed. Get your votes in now! Copy and paste the second post here and underline the person for whom you are voting. Do it now!www.firesofheaven.org
There is a new link up on the donations page. A $100 donation gets you a little token that when used allows you to get a revote.I disagree and would like to request a do over.
Here we go:
Zaara 14 vs. Dicktrickle 31 - Dicktrickle advances
Ignatius 11 vs. Lightning Lord Rule 35 - LLR advances
... 19 vs. frenzied wombat 27 - frenzied wombat advances
Indyocracy 21 vs. Bandwagon 27 - Bandwagon advances
Butthurt 16 vs. Ambiturner 30 - Ambiturner advances
Blazin 28 vs. Maul 18 - Blazin advances
Denamian 24 vs. Nirgon 21 - Denamian advances
Kaines 14 vs. Boozecube 32 - Boozecube advances
Cybsled 17 vs. Talos 29 - Talos advances
Gutterflesh 8 vs. Tuco 42 - Tuco advances
Hoss 20 vs. Soygen 24 - Soygen advances
popsicledeath 25 vs. Muurloen 18 - popsicledeath advances
Zapatta 30 vs. Oblio 18- Zapatta advances
Rajaah 19 vs. Music For Fish 22 - Music For Fish advances
Deathwing 18 vs. BrutulTM 29 - BrutulTM advances
Jasker 20 vs. Sanrith Descartes 23 - Sanith Descartes advances
Mist 36 vs. Erronius 10 - Mist advances
grim1 20 vs. Kiroy 21 - Kiroy advances
Adebisi 16 vs. Chukzombi Astr0Creep 29 - Chukzombie advances
Stupidmonkey 16 vs. lurkingdirk 29 - lurkingdirk advances
Edaw 11 vs. Izo 32 - Izo advances
Dr. Retarded 3 vs. Chris 42 - Chris advances
RobXIII 38 vs. Moglyzoke Moogleman 7 - RobXIII advances
spronk 7 vs. Bodhy 40 - Bodhy advances
Go vote.
AssHat 2023 Voting round 2!!
Here we go. The field is already narrowed. Get your votes in now! Copy and paste the second post here and underline the person for whom you are voting. Do it now!www.firesofheaven.org
Here we go:
Zaara 14 vs. Dicktrickle 31 - Dicktrickle advances
Ignatius 11 vs. Lightning Lord Rule 35 - LLR advances
... 19 vs. frenzied wombat 27 - frenzied wombat advances
Indyocracy 21 vs. Bandwagon 27 - Bandwagon advances
Butthurt 16 vs. Ambiturner 30 - Ambiturner advances
Blazin 28 vs. Maul 18 - Blazin advances
Denamian 24 vs. Nirgon 21 - Denamian advances
Kaines 14 vs. Boozecube 32 - Boozecube advances
Cybsled 17 vs. Talos 29 - Talos advances
Gutterflesh 8 vs. Tuco 42 - Tuco advances
Hoss 20 vs. Soygen 24 - Soygen advances
popsicledeath 25 vs. Muurloen 18 - popsicledeath advances
Zapatta 30 vs. Oblio 18- Zapatta advances
Rajaah 19 vs. Music For Fish 22 - Music For Fish advances
Deathwing 18 vs. BrutulTM 29 - BrutulTM advances
Jasker 20 vs. Sanrith Descartes 23 - Sanith Descartes advances
Mist 36 vs. Erronius 10 - Mist advances
grim1 20 vs. Kiroy 21 - Kiroy advances
Adebisi 16 vs. Chukzombi Astr0Creep 29 - Chukzombie advances
Stupidmonkey 16 vs. lurkingdirk 29 - lurkingdirk advances
Edaw 11 vs. Izo 32 - Izo advances
Dr. Retarded 3 vs. Chris 42 - Chris advances
RobXIII 38 vs. Moglyzoke Moogleman 7 - RobXIII advances
spronk 7 vs. Bodhy 40 - Bodhy advances
Go vote.
AssHat 2023 Voting round 2!!
Here we go. The field is already narrowed. Get your votes in now! Copy and paste the second post here and underline the person for whom you are voting. Do it now!www.firesofheaven.org
Looking back on rerolled amod stints as your glory years is definitely an Asshat mentality, but you still have to put in the work if you want the title.
nope. he's posting in the nominations thread.Bodhy with 40 out of 47 votes. We are going to have our first Asshat in absentia.
Bodhy with 40 out of 47 votes. We are going to have our first Asshat in absentia.
Dr. Retarded 3 vs. Chris 42 - Chris advances
I've got a first round bye dummyZaara vs. Dicktrickle - because I don't know who that is, though it rings a bell
Ignatius vs. Lightning Lord Rule - ditto
... vs. frenzied wombat - because ... name is annoying
Indyocracy vs. Bandwagon - Often not sure if serious
Butthurt vs. Ambiturner - Ironically often the more butthurt-sounding of the two
Blazin vs. Maul - Blazin and I have similar health problems so I got his back
Denamian vs. Nirgon - Don't want to vote for either of these guys so I'll flip a coin
Kaines vs. Boozecube - Can't recall Kaines doing anything controversial
Cybsled vs. Talos - Cyb has logical and fair takes, I just disagree with them
Gutterflesh vs. Tuco - Like both guys, Tuco is better at EQ than me though
Hoss vs. Soygen - Soygen's management of Monkly Business goes a long way
popsicledeath vs. Muurloen - Popsicle says a lot of good stuff, but says it in such a verbose, blackpilled, fed-y way
Zapatta vs. Oblio - Z doesn't know who I am? Well...fuck you!
Rajaah vs. Music For Fish - What an asshat
Deathwing vs. BrutulTM - coin flip
Jasker vs. Sanrith Descartes - Jesus Christ
Mist vs. Erronius - Going against the zeitgeist
grim1 vs. Kiroy - Not sure if this guy is special or what
Adebisi vs. Chukzombi Astr0Creep - Chuk good ppl
Stupidmonkey vs. lurkingdirk - no comment
Edaw vs. Izo - All the Hans Landa is annoying
Dr. Retarded vs. Chris - I mean
RobXIII vs. Moglyzoke Moogleman - What a ridiculous name
spronk vs. Bodhy - coin flip
Wait, wasn'tpharmakos on here? Did he bribe his way out of the tournament at 3 AM?
Also a lot of the people on this list aren't actually asshats. What's with all the padding?
And nobody nominated Gavin?
So many questions about this process. Rigged!
Zaara vs. Dicktrickle - For encouraging Sox
Ignatius vs. Lightning Lord Rule - Someone has to take the blame for this whole place
... vs. frenzied wombat - Get noticed on
Indyocracy vs. Bandwagon - Drones away
Butthurt vs. Ambiturner - The meter maid
Blazin vs. Maul - toss up
Denamian vs. Nirgon - The Harrow Janitor
Kaines vs. Boozecube - #HugThemAll
Cybsled vs. Talos - Wannabe streamer with bad takes
Gutterflesh vs. Tuco - No need to sit on the fence here
Hoss vs. Soygen - just because
popsicledeath vs. Muurloen - For typing walls of words
Zapatta vs. Oblio - For allowing Maui to burn down.
Rajaah vs. Music For Fish - He knows what he did
Deathwing vs. BrutulTM - Sometimes you spreads, sometimes you Captain Super Spreads
Jasker vs. Sanrith Descartes - Less asshat and more mentally unstable
Mist vs. Erronius - Eyeore
grim1 vs. Kiroy - Lost his entire shit in the goblin thread.
Adebisi vs. Chukzombi Astr0Creep - The only person on the forum with worse taste than @Bubbles
Stupidmonkey vs. lurkingdirk - For buttfucking the brackets again this year.
Edaw vs. Izo - Becuase Edaw gives us gifs.
Dr. Retarded vs. Chris - proof the teaching profession should not exist.
RobXIII vs. Moglyzoke Moogleman - Biden dick rider
spronk vs. Bodhy - Shits on walls, fraud PHD
Don't say "no offense". Tell him he's a fat fucking do nothing blowhard faggot.
The person you see here is probably more like how they actually are; in a game they're adjusting their behavior to fit into a different audience to achieve a goal. I'm pretty sure there's more social constriction in a WoW guild than on this board. Why do you assume the forum persona is the RP?These people are just RPing, though. Boozecube is actually 'different' then he RP's on this forum.
Example. Wackyweed akaGuttermouth is named Zeeb in my current guild. Similar guy but zeeb is a lot nicer. Even says shit like vendor strike when thunder strike dropped like FoH used to back in the day.
IE. so I don't hold their personas against them
The person you see here is probably more like how they actually are; in a game they're adjusting their behavior to fit into a different audience to achieve a goal. I'm pretty sure there's more social constriction in a WoW guild than on this board. Why do you assume the forum persona is the RP?
Yeah, he's not actually a tough guy but you don't think he's bitter, full of rage, and has hatred for wide swaths of people/things? The reddit stuff is just the self-loathing side of the coin. I'm sure as an MMO leader/officer neither of those things come to the forefront as much.Because inBoozeCube case his Internet tough guy persona is directly contradicted by his reddit post history
The person you see here is probably more like how they actually are; in a game they're adjusting their behavior to fit into a different audience to achieve a goal. I'm pretty sure there's more social constriction in a WoW guild than on this board. Why do you assume the forum persona is the RP?