If I had a reason to vote for you, I voted for you; If I had a reason to vote against you (i.e. not an asshat) I didn't vote for you.
If I didn't have a reason, I voted for the person in the left hand column. Sometimes I remember disagreeing with you, sometimes I remember you disagreeing with someone else, sometimes I can't remember why I got out of bed this morning other than habit.
Zaara vs. Dicktrickle- My first thought: Zapatta is a chick? Someday I will learn to read. When in doubt, TOGTFO.
Ignatius vs. Lightning Lord Rule- On the Left, get the vote. I am not voting for LLR.
... vs. frenzied wombat- No free rides.
Indyocracy vs. Bandwagon- On the Left, get the vote. I remember Bandwagon more, if not what for.
Butthurt vs. Ambiturner- On the Left, get the vote. I seem to recall being more on Ambi side in the last thread where they were arguing. Capricious but so is this thread.
Blazin vs. Maul- I like Blazin; he probably doesn't remember me, which is most likely true for everyone here.
Denamian vs. Nirgon- Nothing against Nirgon, Not voting against the Harrow Janitor.
Kaines vs. Boozecube- toss up, +both, on the Left, get the vote.
Cybsled vs. Talos- I recall liking Cybsled, not that I don't recall liking Talos but I didn't do any research, sorry man.
Gutterflesh vs. Tuco- I like Gut but on the Left rule prevails.
Hoss vs. Soygen- Not voting against Soygen and On the Left Rule prevails.
popsicledeath vs. Muurloen- Not voting against Popsicle.
Zapatta vs. Oblio- Not voting against Zapatta; Oblio is good people though as well.
Rajaah vs. Music For Fish- Is Kentucky in the South? Rajaah is OK; Not Voting against MFF.
Deathwing vs. BrutulTM- Everyone is good, OTL rule prevails.
Jasker vs. Sanrith Descartes- OTL rule prevails.
Mist vs. Erronius- I like Mist more than many on the forums; its only the rare thread where we don't get along, Not voting against Erronius/OTL rule prevails.
grim1 vs. Kiroy- +Kiroy/OTL rule
Adebisi vs. Chukzombi Astr0Creep +Chuk/OTL
Stupidmonkey vs. lurkingdirk- /Gandalf no memory of SM; +Lurk, OTL
Edaw vs. Izo- + both; OTL
Dr. Retarded vs. Chris- +Dr R, Chris can have good moments but struggles at times
RobXIII vs. Moglyzoke Moogleman- Rob has come a long way IIRC but OTL prevails.
spronk vs. Bodhy- Which Bodhy is ours? Damn it. Gets the vote.
I trust the collective to make up for my spotty memory and poor judgement.