Column vs Soygen - I think Column has an unfairly bad rep. He helped slay one of the biggest
trueasshats in this board's history (Sean). Most of the time he's pretty tame, until people goad him into his frothing retard self. Soygen has caused me to laugh too many times at his ridiculously shitty one-liners, so I can't really vote for him either.
Azethvs Royal - If Cathan had a retarded brother who was a Pats fan, it would be Azeth.
Tanoombavs lurkingdirk - Check out the Gamergate thread or the Retard Rickshaw if you'd like to gather insight into just how deep the rabbit whole goes on this loon.
Hossvs Tuco - Tries way too hard.
DelicateFlower vs
Tarrant -Listing an alt of Tanoomba is pretty pointless. Plus, everyone with any brains knows Tarrant's history as one of the worst mods on the forum.
I'm Ritch Bitchvs Johnny 49 - IRB didn't used to be too bad, but his antics in the politics thread puts him over.
a_skeleton_03 vs
Hodj -I really enjoy Hodj's posts in the atheism thread, but everywhere else he's one of the most grating people on the forums. Goal post shifts constantly, feels like he is the foremost expert on...well, everything, and his argumentum ad nauseam style of debate gets really old. a_skeleton_03's antics are well known and had he gone up against almost anybody else, he would've had my vote.
ZombieWizardHawkvs Phazel - Typical, lower class red-neck junkie that is too stupid to understand not voting against his own self-interests. He also didn't post in the NFL thread until the Pats won the Super Bowl. So, he's also a typical, shitty bandwagoner.
Nemesisvs Kirun - I don't really know who Nemesis is, but I know that I'm generally a pretty Bad Dude, so..
Numbers vs
Troll -I don't really follow the depression thread, but I know Numbers hasn't posted here in forever, so I don't really see why he should be on this list.
Tyen vs
Vaclav -
- Vaclav personified.
Araysarvs kriptini - A pussy bet welcher. I used to actually enjoy Araysar trolling the tards on this site, but bet welching is about as bad as it gets when it comes to "pussy shit".
Convo vs
Mist -This vote is literally rape. Just like how I get raped by her/his attention seeking every time he/she is going to "kill themselves".
Freznic vs
Draegan -A nobody on FoH who tried to parlay this site into a revenue stream. It didn't really work, so now he spends most of his time moderating things needlessly.
popsicledeathvs Eomer - I'm really glad I didn't participate in the True Detective thread during the season. Rereading just a few pages was enough for me. Plus, Eomer is a pretty solid dude, even if he's very naive about certain things.
Itzenavs Master Chunk - It took the Gamergate thread to expose Itzena for the shit poster he has always been. He used to use the same "schtick" in the MMO forums that he does in the Gamergate thread, years ago.