I don't think race is really a factor. I mean I think that if you put white kids in a ghetto flop house to be raised by a crackhead they are going to grow up totally fucked up and if you put a black kid in an intact family where education is a priority and both parents are professionals, that kid is not going to wind up slinging smack on a street corner with a 9MM in his waistband 99 out of 100 times.I think keeping families intact would go a loooong way in helping with thug culture. But like said above, hard to do when it's been broken for so many generations.
I hate to admit it, but I'm kinda racist. But what do you expect when the overwhelming majority of interactions with blacks has been negative.
Note that when you are coerced and/or influenced into doing something, you still do it because you perceive it as best. 'Best' does not mean 'good' on some kind of neutral scale, it means better than all the other perceived options and their perceived consequences ("if I don't join the gang they'll make my life miserable and maybe even kill me!").Those young women sure picked Thug Culture at an early age. I guess they perceived it as best.
what the fuck.("if I don't join the gang they'll make my life miserable and maybe even kill me!").
Shit now I have to actually go watch that damn video.I would never
Only one man can save us
and right between the texts..."PETA Says Eating Chicken Wings During Pregnancy Could Affect Baby's Penis Size"