Autonomous trucking may work eventually in true point A to point B at a wharehouse or something. Lots of stuff I've done in my life and seen that no computer operated truck is going to be able handle now and not for a while. Everything we order at the shop we have to tell the guy where to park to unload so that we can get X equipment and be out of the way for Y coming up that he can't know about. Happens millions of times a day on jobsites. I won't know exactly where till he drives up, so it's not like I can designate "park here" ahead of time via a computer. I also don't know how you are going to ask a computer "Can you squeeze in here and parly jack knife so we can fit in some shit around you while we unload?" and a 1,000 other things I've asked a delivery driver and that's not counting logging trucks having to play in the mud and such.
This is an easy fix until tech can solve. Driverless truck parks at designated spot at facility and a dude equivalent to a maratime pilot hops in and drives to end point.