<Gold Donor>
Why do you think this wouldn't happen? Eventually they will reach the point where they are (near) indistinguishable from human beings. 20K for a sex robot who cooks / cleans and has an ever growing list of fantasy scenarios she/he can play out with you every night. What you're describing is early adopter first usable design stuff. The day of the sex robot is coming. It might be 50 - 100 years away but no doubt it will be here some day. If you didn't see it I highly recommend watching Westworld.
I'm actually quite interested in how it will change our society. How does it change the relationship between the sexes. What will our customs and attitudes be like with respect to these robots. What does it mean for the future of our race.
Seems pretty clear to me, the slow death of all whites first, because lack of breeding (and we can afford them first), then the browns and blacks will move in and steal our sex bots from our dead bodies, and they will eventually die off too. Earth is reclamed by plants and animals.
Alien species visit in 500 yrs and see powered down well used sex bots everywhere.
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