I know they're building them segmented and somewhat flexible. There's a lot of thought that's gone into it. And yeah, deeper is safest. It's the -est there that's a problem.
the subway in New York costs a lot to maintain. The maintenance on This one will be even higher, and the volume lower.
It seems like a really great idea for other applications.
the California taxpayer is kickstarting a mars tube, but they're being told it's a monorail. There's gonna be some angst when they realize this is not an effective engineering solution.
he should have sold it as a mass transit system. Cargo container mass, not people. Bulk Transport. I can honestly envision no possible future in which the burden of maintenance is not passed to the State where the profits from operation are shared with Musk. This tech might be new, but the political process is older than the Apian Way. You would have to do a traffic study (and I'm sure they've been done), but I would bet 5 dollars that bulk transport would have a greater positive effect on reducing traffic congestion than what amounts to personal subway train cars. One less restock truck going to the food lion to offload a pallet of noodles per day... that'll add up real fast. Much harder to sell, granted. Because then he's coming for yer JERBS and it's automation of transport. Hell, he might have tried to sell it that way first and hit that wall.
It's not complicated. A whole lot of people are just lying. And the first fatality in this thing will negate public support. That is inevitable. But at that point it's too late and what they'll talk about then is relative risk. All for a subsidized proof of concept serving gated communities.
There's a lot of problems here that Musk would rather not talk about. He just says, "well, you know. A hole is better than no hole" and people cheer like he just threw a winning touchdown. He's focused on the tech. Which is great. HE should be. He has proven to be very good at that. Edison, tbh. Possibly Ford although you can't say that yet. There's more problems here than just the tech.