I just got back from seeing this. While I thought it was definitely good, I still think it's easily a
distant5th in the MCU, behind Avengers 1, Winter Soldier, IM1, and GotG. I think some of that is simply because we've already seen an Avengers movie before. Whereas with the first Avengers, it felt like a culmination of all the movies before it. It was incredibly awesome to finally see all of these heroes, who at that point had only really had individual movies/cameos, finally
assemble.So, I think a lot of Age of Ultron's flaws were more easily noticeable without the "Wow!" factor clouding plot holes, stupid lines, pointless characters, etc.
The movie spent way too much time on exposition and appeasement in the first half. We already know these characters, we don't really need to rehash their character flaws for the 8th time and have them argue and bicker like 13 year old school girls. Plus, as has been mentioned, we already saw that plot in the first movie. The exposition would've been about a million times better and more palatable had they spent it on developing Ultron and giving Spader more screen time.
On the appeasement side, we get a fucking billionaire playboy and the god of motherfucking lightning pedestalizing their women, fighting over which girl is the better "catch". Right, because when faced with those 2 options as suiters, it's definitely the men who are getting the better deal..
. Then, Black Widow follows it up with the incredibly sexist remark, "Testosterone! Hmmph!". Right, because men are just a bunch of neanderthals, controlled only by their dicks and egos. But, it only insults men, so it's totally cool! I realize bitching about it makes me just as bad as the SJWs, but I'm getting so sick and fucking tired of entertainment mediums hamfisting incredibly misandric dialogue through. All in an effort to appease a loud-mouthed, unappeasable, vocal minority of miserable fucking people. It's a giant double-standard that continues to alienate the very people your product is intended for. Cutting off your nose to spite your face always works out well..
That being said, by the time "Victoria" shows up, the movie really starts to hit its stride. The wheels that were seriously in danger of falling off in the first half, get bolted back on in a hurry and it's off to the races for the rest of the film. The Vision stuff, Scarlet Witch going into Turbo Bitch mode, and Warmachine showing up out of nowhere and kicking ass were all great moments - I love when heroes start coming out of the woodwork to help out. It's like in wrastlin', when all of a sudden, "good guy" wrestler X's music blares out of nowhere and you know shit is about to go down. It just does something to my inner 8 year old that can't be explained.