Maybe he meant to say "good movies".
Shit, from a company that brought you these engrossing hits? You must be high....

- 2
Maybe he meant to say "good movies".
ask and ye shall receive 1080p60fps
Shit, from a company that brought you these engrossing hits? You must be high....
Is my monitor trash or is this jerky and uncomfortable to watch for anyone else?
i don't know what it is. logic tells me that 60fps is better. intellectually speaking, it looks so much closer to real life, almost like a filter is taken off and you are stepping INTO the film world...
but something about 60fps just puts me in the uncanny valley.
And anyone that watches with Tru-motion or whatever that "soap opera effect" bullshit is called needs to have their TV taken from them.
This is just a part 1 movie still isn't it? Or did they confirm Adam Warlock won't be in either of the movies?(I'm not even that mad that Adam Warlock isn't gonna be the one to put down Thanos. Ok maybe a little mad.)
I really wonder what direction this franchise is going to go after Infinity Wars. It's such a cash cow there's no way they just wrap it up once it's done.