Avengers: Infinity War (2018)


Vyemm Raider
Saw it last night. Loved it. I think I like movie Thanos motivations more than the comic. They really hit it out of the park with him.

I'd love to debate this elsewhere but people would jump straight to genocidal maniac...

...but Thanos isn't wrong, in a way. Too many mouths to feed will lead to slow and agonizing suffering.

People want to be shocked and horrified by the thought, but we are still animals that must kill to live, and he's only a catalyst for the natural order of things.
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Some people use infinity stones, others would use cruise ships...

Loved the movie by the way.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Saw it last night. Loved it. I think I like movie Thanos motivations more than the comic. They really hit it out of the park with him.

I'd love to debate this elsewhere but people would jump straight to genocidal maniac...

...but Thanos isn't wrong, in a way. Too many mouths to feed will lead to slow and agonizing suffering.

People want to be shocked and horrified by the thought, but we are still animals that must kill to live, and he's only a catalyst for the natural order of things.

I actually had that discussion on the way back from the movie regarding the movie motivations v. comic. I thought they did a great job of explaining his motivations and Brolin just absolutely crushed it as Thanos.
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Molten Core Raider
Saw it last night. Loved it. I think I like movie Thanos motivations more than the comic. They really hit it out of the park with him.

I'd love to debate this elsewhere but people would jump straight to genocidal maniac...

...but Thanos isn't wrong, in a way. Too many mouths to feed will lead to slow and agonizing suffering.

People want to be shocked and horrified by the thought, but we are still animals that must kill to live, and he's only a catalyst for the natural order of things.

One way or the other he’s always been a sympathetic character. When you get right down to it, he’s not a bad guy in the broad sense of the word. In the comics it’s simply not his fault. Here he’s a martyr doing the one thing no one has the balls to do. It’s like the Unabomber frankly. The philosophy is completely sound. But he’s still a murdering whack job. He has no faith in others and assumes the worst based on his personal viewpoint. He didn’t see the future or anything. It’s just his Global Warming.

Tomorrow invaders come from another universe and the only reason we lost is attrition. We just didn’t have enough people. Thanks Thanos!
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Vyemm Raider
So, no one gets why Thanos's plan makes zero sense? As Earth is the only real example, I'll use that. Current pop is 7.3b, in 1959 it was 3b. Is Thanos gonna snap his fingers every 50ish years?
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Vyemm Raider
So, no one gets why Thanos's plan makes zero sense? As Earth is the only real example, I'll use that. Current pop is 7.3b, in 1959 it was 3b. Is Thanos gonna snap his fingers every 50ish years?

In the movie, he mentions that Gamora's homeworld was on the brink of extinction due to overpopulation, and that since his intervention and subsequent half-genocide, it's a paradise where people have all they need.

If you consider Thanos is speaking the truth at this time, it means that after his genocide, Gamora's people figured they needed to take measures to prevent their population from growing too much or else Thanos would return.

Here he does it to every world simultaneously in the universe without going himself, but his reasoning is that once every world has felt the impact of losing 50% of the population, they're going to take measures to prevent it from happening again (better ressource management, control of rampant birth rates, etc...). Of course that's only if the populations are aware of WHY it happened, but I assume Thanos could just conjure a microphone out of thin air at this point and speak to the universe to let them know his way of thinking.

Doesn't make him not a murderous wacko though, he's definitely not a "good guy", not even a anti-hero. He's a raving lunatic that BELIEVES with all his faith that he's doing what needs to be done, and it's this absolute conviction that makes him sympathetic because he feels like he has to do it, and hates that he has to sacrifice everything for it but it just must be done.


Potato del Grande
It's interesting what he will do next.

Is he keeping the gauntlet to maintain his version of order by snapping his fingers once every 50 years? Is he going to go a step further and send out minions to rule? Does he have a throne?
Is he going to give up the gauntlet and give them to his minions? Is he going to hide the gems? Is he starting life as a simple farmer?

Is Avengers 4 going to be the heroes doing their own Infinity Quest or are they going to find a way to take the gauntlet from Thanos?


Trakanon Raider
Thanos needs his own movie from his birth to leading up attempting to collect the all the Infinity gems.
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Vyemm Raider
In the movie, he mentions that Gamora's homeworld was on the brink of extinction due to overpopulation, and that since his intervention and subsequent half-genocide, it's a paradise where people have all they need.

If you consider Thanos is speaking the truth at this time, it means that after his genocide, Gamora's people figured they needed to take measures to prevent their population from growing too much or else Thanos would return.

No, actually it doesn't mean that. It doesn't mean anything. It's just a baseless assumption. One can also easily assume that, since it's only been 20-25ish years since he halved that planet, that the population hasn't returned to its pre-Thanos level yet. And that's just one planet, are we also supposed to assume that every sentient race in the universe would decide to control their population after being halved?


Log Wizard
Great movie. I liked it a lot, the ending was really good.

Really wish there was more Cap stuff, but he's fighting a little out of his class. Still needed some big Cap speech, but I'm sure they're saving it for AI2. Same with Hulk. I think they're purposefully saving him for AI2. I think AI2 is going to have all those feels moments we want. Hulk just letting lose and showing his full potential. Cap wielding Stormbringer or a rezzed Mjolnir, Iron Man sacrificing himself, etc. IF that shit happens I think they could top this for sure.

Overall I'd give it a 9.5/10 as well. And I'd put it in top 3 Marvel of all time, not sure which place. I want to say first, but Avengers 1 had a wow factor that hasn't been beat yet that was unlike anything we'd seen before. Cap 2 or Thor 3 are also really, really good movies.

Sanrith Descartes

Von Clippowicz
I will chime in with the rest about how great this film was. I didn't see anyone else mention it yet but Dinklage was crap. The rest of the scene around him was great but I wasn't thrilled with his look on screen and his delivery of lines was God awful. He is the reason I give it a 9.5/10.
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Avatar of War Slayer
I will chime in with the rest about how great this film was. I didn't see anyone else mention it yet but Dinklage was crap. The rest of the scene around him was great but I wasn't thrilled with his look on screen and his delivery of lines was God awful. He is the reason I give it a 9.5/10.

It’s becsuse his voice was off. It didn’t sound right to me.


Molten Core Raider
It was a good 5 second joke. Just went on way too long. We get it. He’s a giant dwarf.

Best Easter Egg is that Tobias (From Arrested Development) is in the Collectors Collection. I missed it.


That guy
It was a good 5 second joke. Just went on way too long. We get it. He’s a giant dwarf.

Best Easter Egg is that Tobias (From Arrested Development) is in the Collectors Collection. I missed it.

Yeah I missed that one too, need to see it again just to spot ole David Cross.

Mudcrush Durtfeet

Hungry Ogre
So, no one gets why Thanos's plan makes zero sense? As Earth is the only real example, I'll use that. Current pop is 7.3b, in 1959 it was 3b. Is Thanos gonna snap his fingers every 50ish years?

"He's not known as Thanos the SANE titan...".
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Trakanon Raider
Yeah I missed that one too, need to see it again just to spot ole David Cross.


Infinity War Has a Crazy Arrested Development Easter Egg

It wasn’t David Cross, just someone who was supposed to be Tobias.


<Bronze Donator>
So how come Dr. Strange, Iron Man, and Spider Man had such a hard time in the first Black Order fight, Vision and Scarlet Witch got their asses kicked after that, but then fuckin' Captain America, Black Widow, and Falcon are able to stroll on and one hit KO one with zero Infinity Stones and barely any superpowers between them? Power level gripe I know, but not even being consistent t within this single movie bugged me.

Also, we were expected to care too much about Scarlet Witch and Vision. There just hasn't been enough emotional attachment from the audience built for their many suspenseful moments to have the weight the director wanted them to have.

Those are literally my only two gripes tho, otherwise 9.9/10 and I think my favorite Marvel movie so far.

Definitely glad Biscuit and I made a point to watch/rewatch all the Marvel flicks over the last few months. While seeing every single one wouldn't have been necessary before this movie, it seriously helped my understanding and enjoyment. They packed a whole lot into that two hours and forty minutes.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Also, we were expected to care too much about Scarlet Witch and Vision. There just hasn't been enough emotional attachment from the audience built for their many suspenseful moments to have the weight the director wanted them to have.
Paul Bettany (JARVIS voice) has been there since Iron Man 1, so that was impactful at least. But I don't blame them from glossing over the romance since the whole Bruce + Nat thing wasn't as well received as they hoped originally either.
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