nice kids movie
as an adult i find it hard to give a fuck about loki's death or any other events, knowing they'll just be undone anyway
6/10, maybe
They sound like dumber retards than usual
Villain looks like some shaved head bro from down the corner bar, minus the purple skin color
Araysar what did you think of Darth Vader? S&M gimp with anger management issues?
I find it hard to believe you aren’t trolling. It’s a well established character.
His actions are intimidating, they could have covered him in CGI pointy armor or spikes like in DC shite but that didn't make Steppenwolf, Ares or Doomsday any good.its not my fault that they thought that this
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would pass for an intimidating villain
His actions are intimidating, they could have covered him in CGI pointy armor or spikes like in DC shite but that didn't make Steppenwolf, Ares or Doomsday any good.
The female Kryptonian in Man of Steel was intimidating because she kicked the shit out of Superman. Just like Thanos destroyed Hulk.
Take something seriously in a comic book derived movie? Really?thats true, it didnt make any of those villains intimidating or frightening either
but even Thanos' actions were just utterly contrived, the motivation logic doesnt withstand even the tiniest bit of scrutiny and i cant take "Half of the universe" killed seriously when we know theyre just going to deus ex machina that shit in the 2nd movie
there is literally nothing about Thanos or this movie that makes me feel like there is anything worthwhile at stake. the original Avengers with the Loki invasion had a much higher suspense factor than this. you knew that the people that died in that final battle were gonna stay dead. we know that wont be the case here.
im literally just watching it for the quips (which Thor 3 did WAY better) or the fights (and the fights are decent but nothing mind blowing)
Taking Araysar seriously? Really?Take something seriously in a comic book derived movie? Really?
its not my fault that they thought that this
View attachment 165592
would pass for an intimidating villain
its not my fault that they thought that this
View attachment 165592
would pass for an intimidating villain
Take something seriously in a comic book derived movie? Really?
FOX'S apoc looked really shitty (almost feminine in some ways) but even he looked more menacing than Thanossame color scheme...
i'm sure you loved Fox's purple bad guy then
FOX'S apoc looked really shitty (almost feminine in some ways) but even he looked more menacing than Thanos