Avengers: Infinity War (2018)


FPS noob
Saw it again today for final time (leaving the premium screens this week for deadpool 2), one thing I was a bit confused about: Thanos leaves Tyrion (Eitri) alive but kills 299 of his homies. Did he fuck up his arms and cover them with metal too? I didn't get the metal arms thing or why Thanos killed 99% instead of 50% or left one person alive. All seemed a bit un-Thanos like.
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Throbbing Member
Good movie, this may have been discussed already but

I don't understand the Dr Strange part. He saw all the futures but let the one plan that worked get fucked up. Unless them fucking up is the plan that works and the long game comment means they will all be restored, but if he blinks out of existence how does he see past that future he worked towards?

He's not limited to his lifespan when looking with the Time Stone.
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Molten Core Raider
He's not limited to his lifespan when looking with the Time Stone.
Wasnt the grand master in Doctor Strange limited by her own death? She said she looked forward and always got stuck at that moment which is when she died?

Could be remembering it wrong.


Throbbing Member
Wasnt the grand master in Doctor Strange limited by her own death? She said she looked forward and always got stuck at that moment which is when she died?

Could be remembering it wrong.

You remember right. She never mentions the Time Stone or is seen using it at all in the movie, so I just assumed she couldn't use it in the way that Doctor Strange can. Also, I guess even if he couldn't see past his death, that doesn't mean he wouldn't be able to see the outcome of him coming back to life. Plus we really don't know all that the Time Stone is capable of.


Potato del Grande
Well in the one future where they won, Dr Strange would be brought back to life right?

So from his point of view he sees the Titan fight go down, disintegrates, then comes back after the victory and sees the aftermath which is the "good" outcome.

It also explains why he didn't tell Iron Man any crucial information from the future since he didn't witness what happened.

I assume that in many of those futures, Dr Strange was either able to escape with the Time Stone and Thanos did massive damage a different way, or all the other stones (especially the Reality Stone) made it easy for Thanos to get the Time Stone anyway.
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Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
All these scenarios assume that "dusting" equals death. We don't know that they aren't some version of alive in the Soulstone.
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Egg Nazi
I finally realized my biggest and only real complaint about this movie. Havent seen it mentioned; forgive m if it was (I avoided most spoilers before watching)

This was the movie that made me decide I will no longer be waiting in the theater for these bullshit after credits scenes.
#1 No one gives half a shit about the credits, and they are absurdly long. Do other movies actually have credits this long? Fuck me, it felt like a solid 30 minutes of text scrolling by slowwwwwlllllly before the scene. Speed that shit up by literally ten fold.
#2 what a shitty pointless scene. Until now, the only credits scene that I felt like it was a practical joke on the audience was the schwarma scene. In hindsight, at least that scene gave me a slight chuckle. This Nick Fury thing hinting at a future capt marvel movie... not amusing, not interesting new info, just "wtf, why did I wait an extra 30 minutes (perceived time) for this?"

Honestly, I think its my least favorite Marvel credit scene. Is there a worse one I am forgetting?

(#1 MCU movie for me, still)


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
This post-credits scene was no different than the majority of the others. Almost all of them have existed purely to set up the next movie or movies. Take a look at the list of them:

List of Post-credits Scenes

There are a few that I would agree are pointless, such as the Shawarma scene and Iron Man 3's one. I can understand not liking them in general, but I don't see how the one after Infinity War was any better or worse than almost all the others that have come before.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Does no one put weight on the fact that Maria Hill was back working with Fury instead of Stark, or that they were showing how fubar things happen if people suddenly get dusted while driving cars, trucks, airplanes, doctors performing surgeries, scientists carrying virus samples, etc etc. Then both of them get dusted, who knows how critical personnel and organizations will become effectively crippled and removing all those resources to rely on while simultaneously causing trainwrecks the world over. 50%? Hell it will be 49% or less within a minute as things crash out of the sky or explode.
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Potato del Grande
Does no one put weight on the fact that Maria Hill was back working with Fury instead of Stark, or that they were showing how fubar things happen if people suddenly get dusted while driving cars, trucks, airplanes, doctors performing surgeries, scientists carrying virus samples, etc etc. Then both of them get dusted, who knows how critical personnel and organizations will become effectively crippled and removing all those resources to rely on while simultaneously causing trainwrecks the world over. 50%? Hell it will be 49% or less within a minute as things crash out of the sky or explode.
The survivors have massive opportunities though. This actually happened after the black death.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
So here is how I handle the after the credits scenes. Movie ends bounce the fuck out of the theater when I get home you tube end scene of said movie. Shit gets posted up there so fucking fast and I don't need to see that extra 15 seconds of Sam Jackson on the big screen even if he is a bad motherfucker.
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SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
The movie theater recliners are way more comfortable than any seat I have at home, so I try to stay in them as long as possible.
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<Prior Amod>
Does no one put weight on the fact that Maria Hill was back working with Fury instead of Stark, or that they were showing how fubar things happen if people suddenly get dusted while driving cars, trucks, airplanes, doctors performing surgeries, scientists carrying virus samples, etc etc. Then both of them get dusted, who knows how critical personnel and organizations will become effectively crippled and removing all those resources to rely on while simultaneously causing trainwrecks the world over. 50%? Hell it will be 49% or less within a minute as things crash out of the sky or explode.

Pepper almost quits from stress is made CEO, then she steps down from stress, then she is kidnapped and injected w/ extremis and has iron man suits blasting her

Happy is put in a coma

Tony is an Indian Giver and takes back the Spidey suit

Rhodey is a cripple

Maria Hill is a smart enough cookie to see a pattern.
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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
In the comics, Nova, the other daughter, gets the glove from him, reverses everything he did, kills him, and hands the glove over to the Infinity Council, Iron Man, Strange, Warlock, and others, who disperse the gems. Which would serve well in this scenario as well, given how he tortured the shit out of her.

*Nebula. Not Nova.


Futhermore, Death denies Thanos.

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everything Dr. Strange did was obviously to set them on that 1 in 14 million path. can't believe there's even debate about it still at this point.

Yeah I took the statement of 1 in 14 million versions win plus Strange saying “it was the only way” to mean everything happens to plan.
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Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Does no one put weight on the fact that Maria Hill was back working with Fury instead of Stark,
The very first thing they're talking about is how Stark is still missing. So, why assume that Hill is working for Fury rather than with Fury?
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Trakanon Raider
I've seen a couple of times now and what keeps coming back to haunt me is how this formula is so perfect that I don't understand how The Last Jedi missed it. This movie is the Empire Strikes Back of the MCU. I'm still sitting here watching video after video, theorizing various storylines, and hoping that every MCU movie leading up to the next Avengers will somehow drop clues to their direction. People will be talking about this for months if not all the way until the next movie and that's just how you make the middle installment of a triology. I liked it better the second time and i'm taking my son and his friends for their second go around (so my third time) and while I loved Thanos, Stark, and the more focused characters, there are so many moments that were just epic.

This is one of those movies where I hope there's an extended edition. I'm hoping Ant-man and Wasp has a post-credit tie-in or something to keep the hype train rolling. I also liked how they positioned themselves for the third movie. They could go The Last Jedi route and resolve every storyline and character and be fine. We essentially got blown away with IW so even if the third if underwhelming, i'm going to understand as they usher in the new crew but I really don't think that will happen. I think they're going to deliver a second time with Captain Marvel and whatever twist we get with the Soul Gem. I'm fully expecting a Two Towers moment where Gandalf shows up for Helms Deep in addition to a main character emotional sacrifice.
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<Gold Donor>
The after credits scenes don't bother me too much unless I really have to piss. I do agree that the credits are way too fucking long and could be shortened by half and no one, not even the people actually listed in the credits probably, would care. But I would rather see what it is and then be able to talk about it afterward with the people I saw it with. Usually those people don't know much at all about comics, so I try to explain it to them if I understand it. They will definitely never go look it up on YouTube, so if they don't watch it right then they'll never see it. Sure, that shouldn't affect whether or not I stay, but even seeing it alone (like Deadpool 2 tonight, first showing at IMAX is at 9:30 instead of 7 (maybe because R?), so they can't go until the weekend, and fuck that, so I'm going alone) I will sit there and wait because why not? There's nothing I've got going on that is so important I can't wait another 10 minutes. I don't care if others don't stay, obviously, but I figure why not?
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