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OK well that's from the abyss. So I'm not sure what you're asking.
Dunno if this was posted yet... Had to see this coming though. I really hope they don't go overboard with this shit.
Marvel Cinematic Universe will soon include two openly LGBTQ characters
The revelation is likely to provoke a measure of backlash from close-minded fans, but it’s being met with enthusiasm from other Marvel moviegoers who are eager to see the beloved films become more inclusive.
I read that one will be Valkyre, who will be revealed as bi, which I imagine the average comicbook movie fan will have no problem with lol
What the fuck, Iceman only seemed gay during the volleyball scene, he was a god damn hero other than that.As long as they don't mess with established characters, i'm fine and could really care less. Hate when this stuff is news. I about freaked when Iceman was written to be gay. He's only been in the Marvel Universe for how long? 1963? If you want LGBTQ characters or whatever, then write them, create them, and offer them the respect of a little thought.
He's fine, bad CGI Ruffalo sitting in a headless Hulkbuster at the end.So, maybe I missed it, but did the end of movie not show what happened to Bruce Banner? Or is he dead for real when Thanos phased him into that rock?
Hasn't it already been hinted at that Captain Marvel will be bi? Or is that just my viewing of Comics & Diversity bleeding over into the movie world? That would fit Feige's "both" comment about if it was a new character or an old one, as Valkyrie we've seen and technically Danvers we haven't.
As Drakain said, I don't care one bit if they want to do things like that. Even if the original comic book characters weren't, to an extent anyway I guess. If they are introduced in the MCU as bi or gay or whatever, then go for it. BUT, don't make their entire fucking character about being bi/gay/etc. Make them a kickass comic book hero that just happens to like to go home and bump some fuzz or suck some dick, whatever. They are all PG-13 anyway so we aren't gonna see more than a kiss, so it doesn't matter. Granted, I don't necessarily want to see the new Doctor Doom turn evil as a result of Reed Richards no longer pounding his fudge because he realized Sue Storm was more his style, but you get my drift. If Doom is still motherfucking Doom, you can say he's fucking gay I guess, just don't make that his driving force. Doom's driving force is his desire to protect his people, no matter what the cost. So don't subvert that to push an agenda. That's all I ask.
make them Omar, not Iceman
Infinity War is going to be moving out of a lot of theaters this weekend so if you wanna see it one last time today/tomorrow might be it. It should be hitting VODs though July 31st and 4k UHDs are out August 14th with Target and Best Buy having special collector steelbook versions
Omar and the Deputy Ops in The Wire are two correct ways to write gay characters.