- 16,305
- -2,233
Best marvel movie by far. In its own tier.
Picked up my copy at Kroger LoL... it was just sitting there near the checkout, baiting me to purchase. I got the $19.99 no-extras copy. Idk if I'll regret that but what are extras anyway? A watch-it-once addendum? I think I'll live. Watched the first 20 minutes; glad to see it not on my comp monitor for once.
Wouldn’t the Thanos cut be the movie with half the scenes deleted?
Spronk are you sure it is 16:9? I thought for sure when I watched it, I had to zoom things out to fill out my screen which would mean it is scope ratio, more like 2.35:1.
I love how most of the bad reviews are not about if the movie is awful obut because there is violence in the movie.
i can't tell the difference ever and don't even know what 16:9 or 2.35:1 even means tbh (other than those pictures people put up to show how much "more" stuff on the sides you get) but here is the back of the UHD
so i watched this again and i have a question. when Thanos wakes up at the last scene, is he back on his home planet? if so then is he altering reality using the Reality stone because of the lush vegetation? also could Gamorah still be alive because she was in that scene with him as a little girl, just stuck in the Soul Stone? some of that stuff was really odd the way it transitions from real to visions.
The assumption is that he is on Gamora's home planet, because he refers to how he turned it into a paradise after killing half of them. Also, asso i watched this again and i have a question. when Thanos wakes up at the last scene, is he back on his home planet? if so then is he altering reality using the Reality stone because of the lush vegetation? also could Gamorah still be alive because she was in that scene with him as a little girl, just stuck in the Soul Stone? some of that stuff was really odd the way it transitions from real to visions.
thanks for the explanation, the whole thing got me thinking that they left room for every one to not be dead. even Vision could have been downloaded into the Wakanda mainframe.The assumption is that he is on Gamora's home planet, because he refers to how he turned it into a paradise after killing half of them. Also, asSeananigans points out, it is a nod to the comic. If you look really closely and quickly on the right of the screen, there is actually a scarecrow made out of his armor, just like in the comics. I didn't catch that myself, but the commentary track points it out.
And while there's no way to know what they will do, the comics had everyone "killed" by the soulstone living inside it. However, that wasn't from "the snap," it was from Adam Warlock and others literally using the stone to suck someone's soul out of their body. Those souls went into the stone. I don't think they ever said where the snapped people went. I think they just ceased to exist, not even any dust. So, they probably are alive in the stone because that would make things easier, but with time travel shenanigans you never really know.
thanks for the explanation, the whole thing got me thinking that they left room for every one to not be dead. even Vision could have been downloaded into the Wakanda mainframe.
dont buy it.
dont buy it.