they just don’t know how to manage female characters.
black widow is super popular. Because they made her a complex character with a dark past who is a bad ass fighter with a little sarcastic charm that Scar Jo can pull off. Valkyrie was a bad ass drunk chick who was running from a past failure. They had purpose abd layers.
Then they just make Valkyrie “black bisexual”. CM is just “strong woman”. No character. No layers.
Thor 3 was literally a perfect movie. And then they can’t carry that momentum. Too many hands in the pot.
Even pepper Potts had an arc of being able to trust Tony, or live with a man who is addicted to being a hero and the danger that comes from it, and leaving him because he snoozes Iron Man over himself. Etc.
Black Widow was probably my favourite character from the whole MCU. Hulk is the biggest letdown.
Cap and Iron man are obviously amazing and irreplaceable. The rest I couldnt care less about now.
i guess i have to throw in my vote for the bug ladySir, I agree with you completely. Love Black Widow and Valkyrie. But don’t you dare forget Nebula. To me she was the best female character in the series. Huge arc, goes from evil Thanos follower to Avenger. Every line she delivered was perfect and hilarious. “Your choices were him or a tree.” Gamora totally good too. Even Evangeline Lily was fine.
I couldnt get over how badly Evangeline has aged from Kate in Lost, she used to be 10/10.Sir, I agree with you completely. Love Black Widow and Valkyrie. But don’t you dare forget Nebula. To me she was the best female character in the series. Huge arc, goes from evil Thanos follower to Avenger. Every line she delivered was perfect and hilarious. “Your choices were him or a tree.” Gamora totally good too. Even Evangeline Lily was fine.
Sir, I agree with you completely. Love Black Widow and Valkyrie. But don’t you dare forget Nebula. To me she was the best female character in the series. Huge arc, goes from evil Thanos follower to Avenger. Every line she delivered was perfect and hilarious. “Your choices were him or a tree.” Gamora totally good too. Even Evangeline Lily was fine.
i guess i have to throw in my vote for the bug lady
shes actually my favorite from v2 gotg comics from 10years ago
v3 and beyond have been pretty shit w/o her and w/ horrible writers that just use gotg as a vehicle to guest star other heroes (wtf is angel [feathers] doing in space)
Literally, figuratively, or both?I have no doubt that Jane Foster as Thor is gonna blow cock and balls.
Whoa whoa whoa hold up there a second...All of the entire MCU was banked on characters who had never been tested. Iron man, Capt America Thor The Avengers are all 2nd and 3rd tier comic book characters that Marvel was FORCED to use because they sold all the rights to the A list characters to Fox and Sony. I mean the characters they had were literally what no one else would touch and yet we see what they have done. You could argue that those characters were at least well known, but GOTG? Dr Strange? Black Panther? Not at all, they were obscure 3rd tier characters. As worried as I am as to the woke direction the House of Mouse is taking I will still give Feige the benefit of the doubt that they can take these no body characters and tell some really fantastic stories.this is where i'm at as well. what options do we have left? build a 20 movie franchise around bendict cumberbatch? watch chicks in unsexy clothes fight and pretend to be men for 20 movies? bank on characters who have never been tested? like, why the fuck would they sink the Titanic like this?
You have to put Rocket Racoon in that mix. That rodent is straight money in every scene he is in.Black Widow was probably my favourite character from the whole MCU. Hulk is the biggest letdown.
Cap and Iron man are obviously amazing and irreplaceable. The rest I couldnt care less about now.
this isnt true, The Hulk was an iconic tv show from the 70s and some of the 80s. the MCU fucking ruined Hulk and they failed to give him a good origin film, twice. Cap was pretty well known, even some TV movies. they tried to have a Thor character on TV, but it was shitted up.Whoa whoa whoa hold up there a second...All of the entire MCU was banked on characters who had never been tested. Iron man, Capt America Thor The Avengers are all 2nd and 3rd tier comic book characters that Marvel was FORCED to use because they sold all the rights to the A list characters to Fox and Sony. I mean the characters they had were literally what no one else would touch and yet we see what they have done. You could argue that those characters were at least well known, but GOTG? Dr Strange? Black Panther? Not at all, they were obscure 3rd tier characters. As worried as I am as to the woke direction the House of Mouse is taking I will still give Feige the benefit of the doubt that they can take these no body characters and tell some really fantastic stories.
this isnt true, The Hulk was an iconic tv show from the 70s and some of the 80s. the MCU fucking ruined Hulk and they failed to give him a good origin film, twice. Cap was pretty well known, even some TV movies. they tried to have a Thor character on TV, but it was shitted up.
Iron Man wasnt very well known, but people knew his suit. you forget all the kids back in the 70s watching TV shows and reading comics knew all this stuff. people like me are what made the MCU a thing and i'm saying i dont know whats left to look forward to.
yea ironman was iron-ically (no pun) my favorite character, even tho if you look at him from afar, he's the most anti asian character, with his origins steming from viet congers (like nazis to captain america), and "the chinese" always buying up stark industries or giving him a spine virus or his greatest nemesis is literally an asian dialect, the mandarin.Iron Man wasnt very well known, but people knew his suit. you forget all the kids back in the 70s watching TV shows and reading comics knew all this stuff. people like me are what made the MCU a thing and i'm saying i dont know whats left to look forward to.
Amusing that she doesn't list Drax.Sir, I agree with you completely. Love Black Widow and Valkyrie. But don’t you dare forget Nebula. To me she was the best female character in the series. Huge arc, goes from evil Thanos follower to Avenger. Every line she delivered was perfect and hilarious. “Your choices were him or a tree.” Gamora totally good too. Even Evangeline Lily was fine.
this is where i'm at as well. what options do we have left? build a 20 movie franchise around bendict cumberbatch? watch chicks in unsexy clothes fight and pretend to be men for 20 movies? bank on characters who have never been tested? like, why the fuck would they sink the Titanic like this?
Spidey has a 3 film shelf life before the story turns to shit and they have to reboot it. MCU spidey 2 was mediocre at best. he isnt going to carry a franchise, neither is Captain Cheese. i guess we will see where this all leads, i'm just wondering out loud who they expect us boomers to get this a serious question?
those main characters (iron Man and cap) did like 8-9 films each to prop up the MCU, they've been doing it almost exclusively for over 10 years. they're DONE
you can either recast them, which would pretty much ruin the MCU because 2 have essentially become their characters, or you move on to other properties and get another 10-15 years out of FF4, Xmen, Scarlet Witch, Spiderman, etc. and if people still give a shit about 25 years after it all began, then you can reboot Avengers, etc. all over for the new generation