Awesome Games Done Quick 2016 - 2019


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I'm getting a sick pleasure from watching this guy die repeatedly to Bloodborne speed run.
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Woefully Inept

Karazhan Raider
I said it at the beginning of AGDQ, but I'm still really disapointed they didn't do a Super Metroid Zelda 3 randomizer race. If you've never seen it, check out SMZ3 on YouTube. Andy does quite a few on twitch along with zoast, Ivan, Alucard, etc...

Basically they randomized both games together with portals between the two games at four set location. So you could find the hookshot after killing Kraid, or missiles after killing Blind. It gives a good challenge for casuals like me.

SMZ3 races are my new favorite thing to watch on Twitch. They are incredibly fun to watch. The Speedgaming Twitch channels have multiple races during the week so it shouldn't be too difficult to catch one.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Funny SMZ3 story I heard related to GDQ was the surprise tiebreaker race they had last Saturday. Evidently, no one specified that the tiebreaker would happen before GDQ so Andy was already in MD for the event when he found out. He had his SNES setup but obviously not his streaming equipment so he had to record the randomizer playthrough via phone. There was a technical snag in that the phone only recorded up to 22 minutes of video at a time and he ended up having 9 videos to send in to the admins since that rando seed went 3h+.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm getting a sick pleasure from watching this guy die repeatedly to Bloodborne speed run.
Did you watch the ultimate doom speedrun? He died over and over in some of the episode 4 levels :D

but yeah, out of bounds glitches and save&exit cheese is exactly not what I want to see when I want to see good players play well...


A Mod Real Quick
The I wanna kill.thr kamilla or whatever game before LTTP.was the WORST speedrun I've seen in awhile. Guy died a million times, went over time, and had to load saves at the boss because he kept dying


<Bronze Donator>
The I wanna kill.thr kamilla or whatever game before LTTP.was the WORST speedrun I've seen in awhile. Guy died a million times, went over time, and had to load saves at the boss because he kept dying

Agreed, that didn't even have any good nostalgic references to other games like Boshi/I wanna be the guy. It was just a bland shitty platformer with random still pictures of anime sprites for the bosses. Why they felt the need to run it let alone on the final day made no sense. If you want to see good platforming/run gun check out the Cuphead (ran by the same guy who did the blindfolded Battle Toads speeder level) and Celeste run. Celeste run gets kind of ruined by the idiotic yelling of orb and cloud near the end though.


Toe Sucker
as boring as a 9.5 hour "speed run", where for well over an hour, probably 2 hours; they memed about eiffel 65 which made it borderline unwatchable. The blindfolded menuing from the FF9 run was actually impressive lol



FPS noob
I'm currently playing Nier Automata and have the speedrun of the game open on my PC and watch up to the point I'm at, its insane that they get through an area in like 3 mins that takes me an hour :(



Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
There should be a curated list of the most interesting runs to go back and watch. Nobody can watch the whole thing live.


A Mod Real Quick
I don't know why you got a thumbs down, it's a legitimate question. One can only hope they'll die off swiftly. Either from aids or from growing out of it
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Okay I’m starting to change my opinion. I went down the speed running tranny rabbit hole after watching a VOD and the guy who used to run Metroid Prime, Miles, is now a she and every other tweet is about how they have boobs now and how great they are and I just don’t get it. It’s like how I imagine a guy who becomes a girl for a day and spends it fingering themselves just to see what it feels like but constantly tweets about it. Except this is real life.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Evidently, there was some drama over one of the FF8 runners being disallowed 24 hours after the accepted list came out, so all of the runners pulled out. They did a writeup for how retarded the process is

Obligatory shitfest reddit thread:

Update: GDQ asking them to come back, "We're sorry!"
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