Here is my tale of Transformer woe...
I had a shitload of transformers as a kid in the 80s, the original die-cast metal transformers. Optimus Prime, Megatron, Galvatron, Starscream, Constructigons, etc. TONS.
Well, one summer when I was bored and probably about 11 or 12 years old, I decided that I was going to take all of my Transformers apart with a screwdriver and assemble 1 MASSIVE transformer. Yeah...great plan.
I spent 2 days unscrewing all those damn Transformers, each one had a dozen or more screws in it, all of varying sizes. After I got them all apart, I came to the realization that nothing fit together, and with dozens of different sized screws, I couldn't put them back together into their original forms either.
My mom ended up throwing away 2 grocery bags full of random robot arms, legs, heads, and torsos. I completely ruined probably $1000 worth of Transformers. My parents were PISSED. I think I cried.
Goddamn I was a dumb kid.