Backbone, Bootstrap, Handlebars, Backlift


Mr. Poopybutthole
Sorry if this belongs in the JS thread, but I wanted to see if anyone else was using these tools in their development and what their thoughts were on them.

We have been using Backbone/Bootstrap/Handlebars for a few projects at my work and are going to be starting a 3rd soon. My current scrum team is the only one in the department using it as sort of a trial, but we are looking at trying to expand it out to other teams. We came from a very Java heavy JS light mvc framework, and I am really loving the Java light JS heavy MVR that this brings along with the very clean setup. Since we are starting to move toward more mobile capable apps the single page app is super fast and scales well at least to the tablet size.

I have recently started playing with Backlift on the side makeing a few little apps, it is kind of a cool little tool that allows you to use you dropbox as your server and uses mongodb for the backend, at least from what I have been reading.

So back to why I am starting this thread

TLDR is anyone else using these and what are their thoughts, or are they using any of the other JS/Jquery heavy MVC/MVRs such as Knockout or sammy js. And is anyone else looking at mongodb? And what to you think the future will look like. Also please if you want to discuss node.js i am just starting to research it and would love some input.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The visual guide is cool, I just started looking at MongoDB and node.js last week as it came up while I was messing around with Backlift for fun at home. At work we are strictly SQL Server and Oracle when required using tomcat servers.

[qutoe] Not to come down harsh on you, but the impression you give is that you're looking at all these cool technologies and trying to figure out how to fit them into a project, when that's the opposite approach you should be taking.

Doesn't sound too harsh, I am looking at all these cool technologies and wondering if one is better than the other or fits better, luckily I don't get to make the decision on my own, and for now we are pretty much decided on Backbone/Bootstrap as we have used that for the last few projects and it seems to fit all our needs. I think my bigger concern or not even concern but wonder, is which one will be the one that lasts in the end. There are alot of these different flavors and what will be the favorite of the industry.


Lord Nagafen Raider
We've experimented with mustache templates (Hogan/Handlebars) in the past and recently switched to AngularJS recently. The data-binding is pretty nice, though the AngularJS documentation is lacking in some areas and stable versions don't support transitions so no fancy (or simple) animations. In addition to data-binding Angular's dependency injection and testing facilities are pretty nice features.

While I can't speak from personal experience, there are quite a few stories about people switching to NoSQL databases and eventually switching back to SQL databases, seemingly from scaling issues.

Similarly with node.js the concept of code sharing seems interesting on paper, but in practice what would you share beyond the model and maybe some simple input validation?