Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Games


Molten Core Raider
Many reasons to give these guys kudo's but one of the things I am most impressed about is their business intelligence they are gathering and effetely communicating to the player base. The post on steam today was awesome, for those in the business realm and understand the nuances of crafting an organic story utilizing analytics can appreciate these type of posts can really be a hot mess. They knocked it out of the park in their delivery and great to see they build in mechanisms to capture and understand player behavior etc.

Blizzard fucking who? I'm not much of a brand loyalist but one of the few companies i will say 100% they have earned my purchase on their next game regardless of what it is. I've probably said that 3 times in my 37 years of gaming. (Granted the bar was abit lower when I said that after Disgaea 1! )

Would give $100 blindly if they replicated basic approach to this game just removing the D&D layer and replace with abit more integrated and natural feeling class combat/gear/skills etc. Dragon Age 4 here we come !?!?/
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
question for those of you in act2. if i choose to go to the mountain pass in order to get to the gith creche, am i still able to go through the underdark?
  • 1Solidarity
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<Silver Donator>
question for those of you in act2. if i choose to go to the mountain pass in order to get to the gith creche, am i still able to go through the underdark?
Yeah same question. I just completed the goblin camp and had my party back at base, and I'm trying to figure out what I've got to do if I want to wrap up side quests. Found the underdark entrance, but haven't an explored the road fully.

Is there a point of no return that will lock you into a particular path? I will say clearing out the whole goblin stronghold was pretty God damn fun. Took me a couple of evenings, but marched out of there at level 5 finally.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yeah same question. I just completed the goblin camp and had my party back at base, and I'm trying to figure out what I've got to do if I want to wrap up side quests. Found the underdark entrance, but haven't an explored the road fully.

Is there a point of no return that will lock you into a particular path? I will say clearing out the whole goblin stronghold was pretty God damn fun. Took me a couple of evenings, but marched out of there at level 5 finally.
yeah, i was planning on staying... i say friendly, but i just mean only killing absolutely required quest targets. that did not last. i went on a culling.

but yeah i click on the mountain pass, again just to get to the creche, but the game said " make sure you wrap everything up" so i just saved it and called it quits since i had some irl stuff to take care of anyway
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
The underdark is part of act1 so clear that first. There's a point down there that leads to act 2 in a similar fashion and it'll give you the same warning about wrapping up
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<Silver Donator>
The underdark is part of act1 so clear that first. There's a point down there that leads to act 2 in a similar fashion and it'll give you the same warning about wrapping up
Awesome, I guess that's what I was trying to figure out whether or not there was so far you could venture in. If there's a good notification of turn back now, then I know my next Target to try to wrap up.

Grabbit Allworth

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
lol, again, mine has been dx11 since I first launched. I even get BSODed every so often.
I've got about 60 hours of BG III play since launch and I haven't had a single crash or lock up.

Are you pushing old hardware to the brink with ultra-level graphical settings or something?

j00t j00t you can do the mountain pass after leaving Act 1. In fact, I'm doing it right now and I took the Underdark path when I originally went through.
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I had a few crashes using Vulkan but 0 issues so far on DX11, outside some weird soft locks with combat/the UI occasionally


Avatar of War Slayer
question for those of you in act2. if i choose to go to the mountain pass in order to get to the gith creche, am i still able to go through the underdark?
This question could mean a couple things, and people's answers are a bit different.

First, like ronne said, there is a message that pops up saying that things will change, every time you transition to a new act, so if you ran through the Act 1 Underdark all the way until you got the message that moving on will change things, then the act 1 Underdark is done (if you didn't clear all the Act 1 Underdark, then things may have changed when you moved to the mountain pass). The act 2 "Underdark" is named something different, but is still in the Underdark, and you should be able to access it from the act 2 topside map, if the boat in act 1 doesn't work for some reason. Dunno how it changes the story you experience, if you enter the Act 2 "Underdark" area from the top.

Same applies to the mountain pass, as Grabbit said, you can access it from the act 2 side, if you took the Underdark boat to transition from act 1 to act 2.

Act 2 areas that I know of (multi-part spoiler, in order of how you find them): Underdark pt.2, Mountan Pass, the Valley of Moonrise Tower, and a Tomb (dont want to spoil anything more about it).
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<Gold Donor>
I've got about 60 hours of BG III play since launch and I haven't had a single crash or lock up.

Are you pushing old hardware to the brink with ultra-level graphical settings or something?

j00t j00t you can do the mountain pass after leaving Act 1. In fact, I'm doing it right now and I took the Underdark path when I originally went through.
NAhh Im sporting good shit, couple of years old with a 3700 graphics. I have absolutely no problems with other games I play, new, old, between they play fine except this one for some reason.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
NAhh Im sporting good shit, couple of years old with a 3700 graphics. I have absolutely no problems with other games I play, new, old, between they play fine except this one for some reason.
Did you update drivers? Wtf does 3700 graphics mean?


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
NAhh Im sporting good shit, couple of years old with a 3700 graphics. I have absolutely no problems with other games I play, new, old, between they play fine except this one for some reason.
Did you update drivers? Wtf does 3700 graphics mean?
Did you try turning it off then back on again?
  • 4Worf
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Anyone in chapter 3 happen to stumble across a merchant or spawn for fey flowers? I accidentally sold my fucking hagsbane potion and i can't goddamn find which merchant it's on


Goonsquad Officer
It appears that Larian made a conscious decision to eliminate all +stat items except for the hag bonus. There's a few pieces of gear that set a stat to 17 or 18, that's it. If you want to hit 20 you need to spend an ASI feat and the hag hair, or two feats. ASI + stuff like Tavern Brawler or Resilient: Wis is particularly effective.

For str, it's not hard to amass a large stockpile of hill giant potions so that you can roll into a difficult fight with 21 str whenever you need to, like in the videos above. Not to mention that haste potions are super easy to get and are completely broken when you throw them at the ground to affect your entire party without any need for concentration checks. The way haste interacts with extra attacks is just nutty to begin with.
I found a +1 to all/many stats, gith hat. Put it on gith chick.
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Trakanon Raider
Damn really? I have been using astarion as the ranger with a bow spec. Mainly to just have another ranged. Keeping my melee to just one so they don't have to clump up and then get hit with all the AEs. Maybe I really should just roll the dude into a bard, be the debuffer/buffer and can just keep with double cross bows. Or just respect to a melee rogue.

Since atm I have Fighter, Cleric, Me(storm sorc/tempest cleric) and him.

It's true, but in BG3 it is a bit different, especially for beastmaster rangers, as you don't need to spend resources to use the pet attacks. So you can have a spider spam web every turn for free, which is an absolutely disgusting amount of powerful CC