Ballers (HBO show with The Rock)


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I didn’t say they didn’t, just that no one gets more jacked out shape quicker than they do.

It’s purely a subjective statement I know but I stand by it. Lol

I'd add hardcore SJW and on the other side the paranoid anti-SJW types to that list.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Dude, no one gets more jacked out of shape quickly than two groups. Star Trek Nerds and Sports people who take shit way too seriously.

It’s a make believe TV show for the love of God.

Says the guy who got incredibly jacked out of shape about the mandarin in iron man 3.


<Prior Amod>
Was I mad at release? Yeah, but I got over it and just say it’s a bad movie now. Which it is, mandarin stuff aside. -shrug-


FPS noob
this season is boring as fuck so far, haven't even seen a nice titty in a long time
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Life's a Dream
Yeah, that was a good episode. I feel for Q, but I think he'll be good in the end. And hey, this season wasn't all about Russell Brand, at least.
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FPS noob
yeah that talk between ricky and big man was great, the NCAA stuff is a bit over the top. interesting, but it all feels kinda forced in how the show has pivoted from NFL to millennial sports to now NCAA. Spencer is literally the worst business man in NA, i don't know why people keep giving him a chance.


this means next season will be about fucking fortnite. holy shit what if spencer decides to make his OWN fortnite ala Curt Schilling


<Prior Amod>
I can see it now.

Joe: Spencer, look man I know we said if we could take on the NFL and the NCAA then we could take on anyone but this shits getting out of control. I could be snorting cocaine off a supermodels ass right now but you've dragged me here to...wait...where the fuck are we?

Spencer: Redwood City, California.

Joe: Redwood Ci....what the fuck?

Spencer: Look Joe, I just need you to back me on this. Just this once.

Joe: You really got my balls in a vice here man, you really think you can take these fuckers on?

Spencer: I'm not taking them on... *puts on sunglasses so he can walk into a building* I'm taking these assholes DOWN!

**shots pans back as we see Spencer walking into EA's Headquarters and fades**
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<Prior Amod>
So this season is only 9 episodes? Lame.

Finale was alright, I look forward to the lawsuit next season, not looking forward to Brand back though.


Life's a Dream
I really liked the finale. This show is good shit.

That said, there were like 6 references to Trump this week. Ok then.


FPS noob
why the fuck would you bring back brand, he fucked over joe so badly did he suck his dick like a roomba in college or something

i also just don't get the basis of an NCAA lawsuit, sure players and their families could sue them but how can some rando dude sue them? Can I sue HBO and The Rock for watching 9 mediocre episodes?


<Prior Amod>
Spencer isn’t a random.

Spencer is however the single largest financial advisor I football as of right now, made history by bringing a team to Las Vegas and beat the NFL in the process of doing it and is a partner in one of the biggest sports financial firms in the country.

You? You’re a guy on the internet.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Shame the season was only 9 episode but really enjoyed it. Only dislike i had was bit to political at times pushing a anti trump and black power message. I am not even American so US poltics I don't care for either side of the political spectrum but I just found it added nothing to the story other then to make a political statement


FPS noob
season 5 started this week, loved the first episode. I don't really understand what was happening, last i remember The Rock was suing the NFL or college football or something and everyone in the world was pissed at him and he was broke but the season starts with a 1 year time skip, he's retired, but apparently mega rich and the NFL wants him to be the owner of a team.

Its crazy to think that the guy whose the highest paid movie actor of the last 2 years (Rock) and one of the hottest rising stars in hollywood - JD washington is set to star in Christopher Nolan's 2020 spy movie - are slumming it on a cable network show, but its awesome and the Rock is pouring every bit of "I AM REALLY AN ACTOR" psyche into the show.

This season seems like it'll bring in eSports into the fold so that should be hilarious


Got something right about marriage
This show sucks, and is a testament to terrible taste in entertainment. This show is on season 5 but The Brink got cancelled after 1. Deadwood after 3.

Fuck everyone in this thread who thinks this lowest common denominator garbage is good. I bet all of you watch Billions too.
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<Prior Amod>
Deadwood was canceled because its creator basically abandoned it, that wasn't anyone's fault but that guys.

Brink was awesome though.

I love this show too. -shrug-