Yea buddy, that'll teach you how to use it and let you upgrade when the photo/video quality is lacking.Brother ended up giving me his dji phantom 3. Not top of the line but 2160@60fps Is good enough for me. Hopefully I can learn to take some cool shots with it
I have a meeting tomorrow with 2 "dead fucking serious bigfoot hunters" to map some nearby mountains and make a dashboard for them to let hunters report bigfoot sightings.
This should be fun.
No idea, itll depend on the acres. I seriously doubt it's an area small enough to map with the drone. It would probably be better to do with manned or just use satellite. I didn't hear too much about the what's the approx cost for a job like that? are they making a show and/or affiliated with one of the discovery type channels?
You do SLAM?Not sure, man. I do mapping and long range and FPV/live feed isn't really my thing. I really don't go out past a mile. I doubt you'd get much money for most of that.
I treat my pixhawks like they're machine guns or bottles of morphine that were legal at one time, but became illegal/controlled. I'm never getting rid of those.