Yeah, uh, no. He's just fatHe is just in bulk phase. I'm sure he will start cutting closer to filming.
Nope. He's cultivating mass. Don't be jealous because you are just a tiny twink.Yeah, uh, no. He's just fat
Curious just how many of these are we in store for in the near future. I can see a lot of possibilities with the press release image.
Or just hang out with kate upton for a week, she seems to have no problem putting on a couple extra pounds. I assume she will look like Anna Nicole Smith in a few years...Gadot should have to eat at Affleck's camp.
Probably just gut gut. Look at his neck/face.Dat HGH gut
Miller is generally credited as bringing Batman back to his roots.The Dark Knight Returnsfeatures a much darker and grittier Batman, with a more adult-oriented story. It pushes Batman into anti-hero territory and helped kick off that archetype. Basically, he shifted the tone of Batman to what we have today.I have a question to all you super comic book geeks out there. Whenever "those people" compare which one is the best Batman, people usually say that Frank Miller's is the best. Is there a reason why this is the case or just personal preference? All I see is an old, bloated, Batman with IMHO weird art. Is this version somewhat more "badass" or what? Then again I thought Batman Beyond was cool as shit so what do I know. (shrug)