Via Contract? They have rights to lots of non mutants so why would this be any different. He mot likely just got bundled into as part of the "xman family"Wait a minute. Maybe this has been discussed before, but I thought Deadpool isn't actually a mutant, so how did Fox get the rights to him?
That was all sorts of awesome.I saw this video about the Death of Superman, and death in comics in general, and wanted to share. We've been talking killing characters in the Marvel thread, but this is a DC thing here for the most part so here it goes. It's sort of a drunk history thing.
Lots of cameos and at least 1 porn actress I recognize.
hilarious man, a+I saw this video about the Death of Superman, and death in comics in general, and wanted to share. We've been talking killing characters in the Marvel thread, but this is a DC thing here for the most part so here it goes. It's sort of a drunk history thing.
Lots of cameos and at least 1 porn actress I recognize.
Max Landis, son of Martin Landis. Apparently he's sold lots of scripts and stuff and wrote that movie Chronicle.So who's this dork who apparently knows Ron Howard, Simon Pegg, Frodo, and probably some chicks I don't recognize?
Go figure that the King of the Superman Fanboys has a problem with the clip. He said Batman could beat Doomsday in a few seconds with a little preparation, but Superman acts like a retarded and drunk fratboy, and you go apeshit. Go back to the Man of Steel thread where you belong.While what he said is good, he still comes off as a bit of a douche though.
You got all that from "While what he said is good, he still comes off as a bit of a douche though." ? That's pretty impressive!Go figure that the King of the Superman Fanboys has a problem with the clip. He said Batman could beat Doomsday in a few seconds with a little preparation, but Superman acts like a retarded and drunk fratboy, and you go apeshit. Go back to the Man of Steel thread where you belong.
Abefroman summarized it pretty well already, but wow, you saw WAY more in my comment than was even remotely in my head when I typed it, and you actually seem genuinely upset. I don't like the guy himself, not the content of what he said. I agree with most of what he said actually, since apparently I wasn't clear enough on that point the first time.Go figure that the King of the Superman Fanboys has a problem with the clip. He said Batman could beat Doomsday in a few seconds with a little preparation, but Superman acts like a retarded and drunk fratboy, and you go apeshit. Go back to the Man of Steel thread where you belong.
Don't recognize Mandy Moore as louis lane?and probably some chicks I don't recognize?
Opposite? Thought it was more like manipulated/forced evolution, like hyper eugenics on a micro scale. Each time he dies he's adapting to something new and harsh so the next clone is the next step in his evolution.I had forgotten about Doomsdays stupid origin being like the exact opposite of Darwinian evolution.
Don't worry, my hatred for you only applies to subjects involving Superman. Pretty much after the Man of Steel thread, I'm going to hump your leg every time you bring him up. Other than that, we are good.Abefroman summarized it pretty well already, but wow, you saw WAY more in my comment than was even remotely in my head when I typed it, and you actually seem genuinely upset. I don't like the guy himself, not the content of what he said. I agree with most of what he said actually, since apparently I wasn't clear enough on that point the first time.
You know, quite often you have some really good info about comics, movies, hell even running your own business. I'm capable of recognizing those moments as times when I should pay attention to what you're saying. Too bad those moments are getting fewer and fewer.
Almost, couldn't put my finger on it. Lois was the only chick I thought might be recognizable, if there were any others they flew way under my radar.Don't recognize Mandy Moore as louis lane?