Battlefield 3


FoH nuclear response team
I got you guys added and looks like you accepted Hinadu.

P.S. Fuck jets in this game, they are unstoppable if you are any good.


A nice asshole.
Exceptional jet pilots are a pain in the ass, spent entire map with soflam/jav combo to keep them locked down but full time job.

Started playing again and getting dominated by level 100 dudes shows just how out of practice I am. May pick up the expansions but lots of other games to play right now.


Potato del Grande
Endgame comes out for PC and Xbox next Tuesday 3/12 for premium accounts. 2 weeks later for everyone else. So far reviews look sweet. 4 new maps, dirtbikes, capture the flag mode where you can carry flags on your dirtbike, in tanks, jeeps, helicopters, etc. Should make for some fun chaos. The air superiority sounds cool too. Straight up dogfights and you respawn in jets (midair?) and cannot eject. Should be fun times.


Trump's Staff
I've been playing a bit for the past week or so. I was hoping I'd like the Aftermath maps since they're supposed to be like Bazaar, Metro, etc but I just can't get the feel for them. Perhaps I just need to play them more but I still find myself going back to Grand Bazaar maps (I avoid Metro now, but it still seems to be the best Score/Min map if you play it right).

I need to try to get myself back into the vehicle mindset I had when the game first launched and try to enjoy the Armored Kill content (and in turn, get a bit better for the upcoming End Game stuff which will have a lot of vehicle content in it).

Also it sucks playing solo again.


Potato del Grande
End Game came out today for premium PC and Xbox owners, seems pretty cool so far, but I've only done some air superiority.


That guy
Air superiority is fun except for having to wait to get back in a jet when you die. Quite possibly the only instance in BF3's history that it's better to be playing on console over PC.

can you get any of these expacs without premium on PC?
Yes, better off getting premium though you save money in the end.


Trump's Staff
Enjoying the new maps a lot. Blowing up dirtbike guys with the javelin is hilariously satisfying.


<Silver Donator>
I personally am not a big fan of CTF. It doesn't seem to fit BF3. Absolutely cannot stand AS.

Bikes are a hoot and the new maps aren't bad though.


Trump's Staff
Gonna further add that I just played Tank and Air Superiority for the first time. Tank superiority seems like a slow ass borefest where 90% of people sit at the fringes and try to be artillery (terribly). Air Superiority reminds me of how terrible the controls for jets are (and how bad I am at flying them) + the spawn system seems pretty retarded.

Scavenger is a lot of fun! Nice to not feel restricted to "the best" weapons and it's a good way to get a feel for a variety of guns (plus assignments for them).


Vyemm Raider
Hated every minute I played today in endgame. Barely any vehicles yet the maps are big open fields with shitloads of bushes for people to lay in and snipe anyone stupid enough to try to move anywhere. And as I get bored as fuck laying around waiting like that, I tend to be the idiot running around and getting shot from the guy pitching a tent on a hilltop. I absolutely cannot stand that style of gameplay and that's all there seems to be here.

I much prefer city maps where it is possible to move from cover to cover and easily kill the campers that are waiting for someone to move into their narrow field of view. Not this shit where they can see you coming for miles as they sit up on a hill overlooking the objective like EVERY PERSON IN THE GAME is doing.

And lol at the comment about using javelin on bikes. The only soflam that was used on my side the entire 1000 ticket match was me. And I only did that because holy fuck SOMEBODY FUCKING SOFLAM.


Pathetic Reaction Bot
A big thing I do appreciate about EG is the fact that a lot of maps seem to be more ground forces + chopper heavy and friendly but no set of 4 planes flying around dog fighting the entire time without doing anything else for the team. I really feel that since BF1942 there hasn't been a real good reason to have jets in a BF game, mainly because they're too quick and not able to do much for the objectives.

Don't get me wrong, a good pilot can still do some useful things, but lining up the right angle for ground forces is still time consuming.

As someone who main's recon, I am a bit biased, but the map design from that perspective seems ok, some of the vanilla maps were far worse for others than what EG has shown me so far. Caspian is still probably the most sniper friendly map in the game, a lot of other vanilla ones too. EG has the big open fields, sure, but there's nothing stopping a tank from seeing the scope reflection (still one of the most bullshit mechanics ever, even in a dark room or the sun behind you its glowing like a flashlight) and firing a shell at your face, especially since once you're spotted, that open field/hilltop puts you at a pretty bad disadvantage.


Trump's Staff
And lol at the comment about using javelin on bikes. The only soflam that was used on my side the entire 1000 ticket match was me. And I only did that because holy fuck SOMEBODY FUCKING SOFLAM.
Eh? bikes don't have flares/smoke, you don't need a SOFLAM to kill them. The only thing that will stop your javelin kill on a bike is terrain.