Battlefield V


<Nazi Janitors>
Because so many people play the Battlefield campaigns or even remember that they have a campaign.
The irony of this is that now its the call of duty series that has no single player campaign.
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Buzzfeed Editor
Because so many people play the Battlefield campaigns or even remember that they have a campaign.

They totally rewrote historical events. The heavy water plant was not destroyed by two women--it was done by a secondary team of commandos that were dropped in AFTER elements from the original drop survived off fucking moss and lichen for an entire winter. Dozens of men died--erased for "muh womynz contributed". The black Frenchmen who suffered from "segregation" and then "erasure"? Yeah--French troops were fully integrated, and they marched in every parade there was. The only time Black Frenchmen were "taken out" of a unit was when the Americans required it for the elements that were going to first roll down the street in liberated Paris (But they would be in subsequent parades the second the Americans didn't give a fuck.)

Regardless of its something gamers care about, it illustrates that there was a social justice ideological basis for many of the pushes. If this was just about visual changes, or bionic arms, he might have a point--but its clear there was a lot more to it than that. The game comes with over, clear, messages of social justice. So he's wrong--end of story. And its people who constantly try to stifle discussion on these things which allow them to propegate. If its "not important"--then why the fuck was it important enough to change in the first place? Oh, because it is. The only people who say it isn't are the people sympathetic to that ideology but have the good sense to be fucking embarrassed over how stupid it is. Like a bunch of in the closet Christians in the 90's defending the absurdity of their creationism stances not by arguing that side, but rather trying to prevent the counter argument.
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Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
You fuck off you fucking moron. Go check out the real stories they adapted their story missions from and tell me they didn't change shit due to SJW shit. Don't rage at other people because your either a blind cunt or part of the cult but to embarrassed to fucking admit it so you concern troll everyone who is sick of it.

Also real original "you're just as bad as them"--I'd believe you were actually neutral if I ever saw you criticize SJW shit. But you don't. Your criticisms always fall on the people criticizing THEIR political pushes in games.

I will reiterate GO BACK TO THE FUCKING GENERAL SECTION AND YOUR POLITICS ECHO CHAMBER. This section is for game discussion, the SJW trailer is old news. We're playing the actual game.

I go to this forum for gaming discussion alone at this point, the toxic bravado of the politics section is sickening and I avoid it as much as possible. Unless your going to post about Battlefield V from the point of view of actually fucking playing it then fuck off, I don't care about your opinions or political underpinnings.
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Buzzfeed Editor
I will reiterate GO BACK TO THE FUCKING GENERAL SECTION AND YOUR POLITICS ECHO CHAMBER. This section is for game discussion, the SJW trailer is old news. We're playing the actual game.

Once more, the stories in the actual game change historical missions for SJW ideological points. Its not just about the trailer. Politics has been pushed into your game, yet you are okay with that but not okay with the discussion of it. Why?

Also, I'll reiterate: No. Fuck off. Just ignore me you sandy vag, thin skinned cunt.

I go to this forum for gaming discussion alone at this point, the toxic bravado of the politics section is sickening and I avoid it as much as possible. Unless your going to post about Battlefield V from the point of view of actually fucking playing it then fuck off, I don't care about your opinions or political underpinnings.

And gaming has politics in it now. Why do you only try to mute it from one end, Brekk? You're just being a disingenuous cunt, that's all. You don't get to decide what aspect of the game is "good gaming to discuss" and what's "bad politics we can't" (Which so happens to coincide with everything that's being altered based on the ideology you clearly are sympathetic to.)

I get it, you're a cult member, its pains you to watch your ideology criticized. That's fine. But no one is bringing politics where they aren't already.
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Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
I play fucking multiplayer, I don't give a flying fuck if the single player is a white nationalist fantasy of running troubleshooting unarmed black people.

No one here gives a shit about your single player rants or your obsession over the ideologies that led to them changing the story.
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Buzzfeed Editor
I play fucking multiplayer, I don't give a flying fuck if the single player is a white nationalist fantasy of running troubleshooting unarmed black people.

No one here gives a shit about your single player rants or your obsession over the ideologies that led to them changing the story.

You claimed SJW shit was not a motivation. I pointed out direct evidence of it being a major motivation that lead to direct, tangible changes that clearly jive with that motive. The response to this is now "you just don't care because its THIS part of the game that's important!" (Which of course was not your original reasoning for trying to shut down the argument--it was the denial of the motivation originally, which you now seem to accept you were totally wrong about. And on that note: Why the fuck is the part of the game YOU care about the sole measure of what is worthy discussion you dip shit? No one was originally telling you to shut up, YOU began to police the thread with YOUR views.)

Also, plenty of people care, Brekk. Not sure if you've noticed how sick people are of this shit, but in every space that's not a carefully modded shithole with rigidly enforced group think--you'll find these complaints. Multiple people here were complaining about it, which illustrates your view is bullshit even within this community. I get it, you want to stop the bad think. But this is only going to get worse buddy. When GG first began years ago I said this would get political really quickly, we're now 2 years into MAGA and you're a fool if you don't see the connection. You can only polarize people so much before they start speaking out, and you can only try to silence them so much before they start telling you to fuck off.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
So I played through two of the three single player mini campaigns. Both were pretty fun. I’m a World War Two historian by nature because I’m always intrigued by how it all came to be and pass. Heavy water sabotage was a real deal. I guess I didn’t care much about the mother daughter scenario that much because it wasn’t over the top, but I do agree it would have been cool to play through the actual historical scenario. Game play itself was fun with the skis. However, what bothered me after is that the epilogue writing after was way off. There weren’t multiple raids after the Norwegian commandos and the failed British raid. After the raid, it was just continual bombings which is really what should have happened in the first place, but the biggest part of that story was when the Germans were giving up the plant and moving heavy water operations back to Germany, sabotage teams took out the ships carrying tons of the heavy water supply back and there by setting Germany back to the point where they wouldn’t be able to effect a nuclear weapon. They should have written it that way to play through.

Mother daughter team obviously didn’t exist, which whatever I don’t care - but they did a disservice to that entire scenario when they didn’t mention the ship sinkings. It was written by someone who can’t even be bothered to read Wikipedia.

Anyway, there is a good Netflix series on it if anyone is interested. It basically saved the world of a nuclear Germany.

Multiplayer is pretty fun and the explosives and destructions make for a fun emergent gameplay. Along with rebuilding fortifications. Worth 29 bucks. Evident though it isn’t selling and the backlash is real and honestly with that stupid trailer and soderlunds big mouth before he was shit canned, I hope we don’t see more of that garbage agenda.

If we don’t learn from history and continue to remember it, it will repeat itself.
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<Gold Donor>
I dont seem to recall Battlefield being some type of historically realistic war simulator. It could be they changed those stories for SJW reasons, it also might be they changed them so their game becomes more inclusive to women and blacks, which both play this game. I dont seem to recall whilst playing the campaign missions "this really happened" or ever believing that some 20 yr old chick attacked a military base all by herself slaughtering 100s of germans.
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Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
EA is out to make money. What do you think a more logical way to do that is? Try to last minute hamfist your game to look like fortnite with pink hair and bionic arms. OR push an SJW agenda on the FPS crowd who is a bastion of racist degenerates (me being one of them)

I'm not trying to protect my leftist agenda I play games to not give a shit about that. I log in, I shoot people.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
EA is out to make money. What do you think a more logical way to do that is? Try to last minute hamfist your game to look like fortnite with pink hair and bionic arms. OR push an SJW agenda on the FPS crowd who is a bastion of racist degenerates (me being one of them)

I'm not trying to protect my leftist agenda I play games to not give a shit about that. I log in, I shoot people.

Well they fucked up on both that’s for sure. Next time they should leave the agenda at home, quit trying to copy fortnite, and just make a game worth playing. That trailer tanked their sales because I believe people are tired of hearing about it. And it’s too bad really because I watched that trailer and was all over their shit, played the trial, liked the multiplayer, and then it was on sale. And the Single player, while completely off in that second mission, was still fun.

Audio and effects and HDR on one X is out of this world though. They did a fantastic job recreating the visuals of Norway.

They need to come out with a Normandy invasion multiplayer map.
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Because so many people play the Battlefield campaigns or even remember that they have a campaign.
Its not about how shitty the single player is

Its the fact SJW mindrot is taken over EA/DICE.

Also you people giving EA money when they purposelly fuck over the game. Literally half the content is withheld from launch(pacific theater, US/Russian factions) for the sole purposes of duping you people into thinking youre getting DLC for free. Thankfully it looks like enough of us didnt buy that this pile of shit.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Its not about how shitty the single player is

Its the fact SJW mindrot is taken over EA/DICE.

Well let’s hope the last tiger mission that comes out next week isn’t borked. Sounds like I’ll be able to play a German commander in the battle of the bulge and I have always wanted to play the other side in that.

If anyone is interested, they have couple books out of what it was like being a German soldier at Normandy when the allies landed. From a guy’s grandfather who found the interviews when his grandfather was a propaganda journalist. It’s really interesting reading. All the games and movies we play for Normandy are not accurate at all. For instance, German solders didn’t light up troop transport ships. They waited until they were waste deep and almost on shore before firing because they weren’t in range and wanted to make sure they hit them. Hey were also amazed at allied technology. Floating tanks, phosphorus grenades, etc.


Buzzfeed Editor
I dont seem to recall Battlefield being some type of historically realistic war simulator. It could be they changed those stories for SJW reasons, it also might be they changed them so their game becomes more inclusive to women and blacks, which both play this game. I dont seem to recall whilst playing the campaign missions "this really happened" or ever believing that some 20 yr old chick attacked a military base all by herself slaughtering 100s of germans.

If this were the case, then why the French soldier changes? It was done purely to mirror the current political perception. In France at the time, none of that systemic racism happened to those troops. France did not have racial divides like we had in America--its pretty clear its an ideological call.

And if they think it will make money, more power to them. The thing is--they will only KNOW it's a mistake if we talk about it and react, so its self defeating to try and stymie back lash or discussion on it. Controlling discussion is how this mind rot has spread so far despite it clearly being unpopular (Since this is not the Politics thread, I'll save everyone the long explanation of ratios of of people willing to proselytize vs political agreement--if you can get 10% of people to project a single goal, and intimidate 90% not to speak, regardless what the 90% think, that goal will be the goal of the group.)

So its important discussion take place. Its absolute shit that major gaming forums try to control the displeasure at this--because that's exactly what has allowed a small, cult like minority to push this.

EA is out to make money. What do you think a more logical way to do that is? Try to last minute hamfist your game to look like fortnite with pink hair and bionic arms. OR push an SJW agenda on the FPS crowd who is a bastion of racist degenerates (me being one of them)

I'm not trying to protect my leftist agenda I play games to not give a shit about that. I log in, I shoot people.

EA is trying to make money. But perception is not always reality. How EA perceived its potential fan base and reality can be different. Companies get this wrong all the time, especially if the local culture is blinded by ideological bias (Which a lot of these big companies are currently, thanks to how they've been frightened into allowing an HR/PR infestation of SJWs due to sexual harassment/diversity hysteria.) Things like the Ghostbusters remake, which no reasonable person thought was a good idea--happen because of that disconnect. And its why discussion and feedback is vital. (It doesn't help that the media has become totally unhinged within the cult, and its really skewing perceptions in the corporate world.)
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Buzzfeed Editor
Well let’s hope the last tiger mission that comes out next week isn’t borked. Sounds like I’ll be able to play a German commander in the battle of the bulge and I have always wanted to play the other side in that.

If anyone is interested, they have couple books out of what it was like being a German soldier at Normandy when the allies landed. From a guy’s grandfather who found the interviews when his grandfather was a propaganda journalist. It’s really interesting reading. All the games and movies we play for Normandy are not accurate at all. For instance, German solders didn’t light up troop transport ships. They waited until they were waste deep and almost on shore before firing because they weren’t in range and wanted to make sure they hit them. Hey were also amazed at allied technology. Floating tanks, phosphorus grenades, etc.

Is that Eckhertz book? People have recommended that again and again, I've been meaning to read it. Is it any good? Yeah though, I've read that from other accounts about German firing control--they really wanted to maximize casualties. There was still some belief that the Capitalist nations were decadent and would be unwilling to push through any kind of real losses . It was a mind set that constantly twisted them into knots because there was a lot of evidence for it (Look at the opposition to Churchill) but it was never true.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Yep that’s the book. Fantastic read. I couldn’t put it down. :)

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Guys, this is a friendly reminder that the SJW debate/raging belongs in the GG thread. Let's not stray too far from Battlefield V related stuff in here. Thanks.

(The trailer and revisionist garbage is entirely on-topic, of course.)
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Vyemm Raider
EA also had Trevor Noah host the reveal. They are trying to pander to SJWs . Brekk is blind or willful ignorant here.
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Trump's Staff
The heavy water plant was not destroyed by two women--it was done by a secondary team of commandos that were dropped in AFTER elements from the original drop survived off fucking moss and lichen for an entire winter. Dozens of men died--erased for "muh womynz contributed".

Did they really do that? What a clusterfuck. Although I'd say it is about 50% likely that was due to SJW stuff and 50% likely it is because they are jealous of how rich Norway is so they just wanted to fuck with them :p

Anyway, if anyone is interested in what actually happened:
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Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
yeah the two women thing was lol while i was playing it i was literally laughing cause it was that comical to me. that's remarkable when something is so out of place like that.

maybe cause it's a famous enough mission and point of the war it would be like replacing something famous with something silly it would just punch your sense of reality in the face.
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