Battlefield V


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
The problem is they try to make it like that was a direct part of history in the game due to the epilogue, which they also got wrong. The game play and mission structure was a blast to play through, the atmosphere and cold/snowy Norway was absolutely breathtaking in 4k HDR. Audio was superb. So I hear the argument of "Well, when has any BF game been true to history" well then fine - quit trying to make it sound serious in the epilogue scopes like they know what they are talking about then.

You know what would have been awesome? Something real. That Russian Sniper Chick that took out over 300 Nazi's. If they want to end these missions with Epilogue stating false facts and narrative to pander to a crowd for sales, go after the real untold stories and bring them to light because I think people on the other side of the argument are tired of it - and want to see those stories too.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Its not about how shitty the single player is

Its the fact SJW mindrot is taken over EA/DICE.

Also you people giving EA money when they purposelly fuck over the game. Literally half the content is withheld from launch(pacific theater, US/Russian factions) for the sole purposes of duping you people into thinking youre getting DLC for free. Thankfully it looks like enough of us didnt buy that this pile of shit.

Well, I paid 22 bucks before tax, and do not have to buy premium. (I never did that anyway for any other BF game) and if they stage it I don't really care as much when I get it for so cheap. Financially though this will be a disaster - rightfully so after that trailer and Soderlund's BS. But underneath all that it isn't really THAT bad (I disagree with the portrayal of the Norway mission as I have stated - and how they rewrite history and attempt to make it look real in the epilogues) but Multiplayer is fun. I also changed all my soldiers to white males to counter act the oppression! :p

But 22 bucks for the game and all of it's DLC two weeks after launch is LOL worthy really from a financial perspective. Problem is they will look at this and say "Welp, that business model didn't work" when it would have if they would just start staying true to history and creating REAL stories about women and minorities in the War.

Either that or just make it a Bad Company game and farce it up like crazy if they want the fortnite cosmetic garbage.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Who the fuck buys a Battlefield game for the single player anyways? Single player is what you do when you don't feel like playing online and are super bored.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Who the fuck buys a Battlefield game for the single player anyways? Single player is what you do when you don't feel like playing online and are super bored.

I like the single player campaigns surrounding WW2 games and like the history aspect of playing through them. I would also like to see a VR rendition of a Normandy mission with the PSVR Aim controller. As long as it is done right (And accurately) it is a fun way to play through some unknown stories. Again, if it is done correctly.

There is a lot of great stories to be told that we don't know about in that war, and it would be fun to learn that through playing a game. I think it is also romanticized a lot, and with VR and true historical story telling, I think it would be a great way to also say "War sucks here is what it is like" so those bone heads on the left know what the finest generation fought for and maybe they would understand you cannot hug a tree and have tea and crumpets to negotiate with anti christs.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
They need to beef up AA and tone down snipers. Just got off a game where I was literally sniped almost immediately (like 10x) every time I went to the AA. Enemy had a pilot that went 72-2 on bombings. A legit 72-2. Dude was good. Had snipers covering every AA any time someone moved toward that AA in that zone.

In most BF games I play the odds and angles from behind the fighting. This one is almost COD in the sense, people can come from anywhere. It's infuriating. I should not have to worry about my 6 as much as I do in his game. I just can't react that fast in my old age. Since there are very few people playing as a squad it sucks to be me.

The sprint to a stupid slide/prone position is a fuckin PITA. It fucks me every damn time. Who the fuck WALKS in BF. I just want a fucking button that lets me duck behind cover as I run.

2 weeks out and people STILL don't rez someone down, beside them and under cover. I still get spam asking for ammo, after putting the crate down RIGHT next to the squad. You're almost better off with the damn little packs.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
They need to beef up AA and tone down snipers. Just got off a game where I was literally sniped almost immediately (like 10x) every time I went to the AA. Enemy had a pilot that went 72-2 on bombings. A legit 72-2. Dude was good. Had snipers covering every AA any time someone moved toward that AA in that zone.

Sounds like a premade squad set up.

Some of the squads are using really good tactics and playing off the strengths of each other.

And yeah Squad Rez is ridiculous. People don't understand in some of these game modes it saves a tick off a respawn. In some cases, they are making sure they aren't being baited themselves to res you which happens a lot. I am always a team player and there are times I just don't see someone down until it's too late in all the frantic battle.


<Gold Donor>
Snipes def need some type of suppression or sway or some shit. Its crazy how many times I could be tapping a sniper in the head with my M1A1 and he just standing there taking it and the next millisecond im dead. Its fucking stupid. If youre getting shot as a sniper there should be some type of penalty so you cant just continue ADS and snipe someone while getting shot. Its to the point that they dont even get behind cover anymore, they just ADS and boom youre dead.

These sniper guns sights, I think R4, can be adjusted to go out to like 250 meters, so they are literal lazers with no bullet drop within that range. This is like 2 3/4 football fields away. The head hit box needs to be toned down a bit too.

Snipers need their place, but as it stands its just too easy to get kills with sniper, this is why 1/3-1/2 your entire team seems to roll sniper every game.

That clip I posted of me quick scoping 3 dudes a few pages back is some proof. Granted for me that was a one off, I was on fire that game. But for others its every game. And mind you during that entire clip I was getting shot at by a tank.



F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Was that the 3x scope or 6x?

Looks like the six.

I used the 3x and was on fire. Went to 6x and even when I hit them in the chest or (Anywhere but head) they take 50 damage....


<Gold Donor>
Im not sure, looks like 6x. All bolt snipers are 2 shot to body. All auto loading are 2 or 3 depending on range.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
So here is what is funny and why I asked. If I do a body shot on 6x, they take 50-70, if I do a body shot with a 3x, they die :p


<Gold Donor>
Nahh, he was probably low HP to begin with. Not everybody running around out there is 100% HP


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Nahh, he was probably low HP to begin with. Not everybody running around out there is 100% HP

That's what I originally thought - but I killed 9 in a row and 3 fresh respawns.

Give it a shot (No pun intendeD)


FoH nuclear response team
They need to beef up AA and tone down snipers. Just got off a game where I was literally sniped almost immediately (like 10x) every time I went to the AA. Enemy had a pilot that went 72-2 on bombings. A legit 72-2. Dude was good. Had snipers covering every AA any time someone moved toward that AA in that zone.

In most BF games I play the odds and angles from behind the fighting. This one is almost COD in the sense, people can come from anywhere. It's infuriating. I should not have to worry about my 6 as much as I do in his game. I just can't react that fast in my old age. Since there are very few people playing as a squad it sucks to be me.

The sprint to a stupid slide/prone position is a fuckin PITA. It fucks me every damn time. Who the fuck WALKS in BF. I just want a fucking button that lets me duck behind cover as I run.

2 weeks out and people STILL don't rez someone down, beside them and under cover. I still get spam asking for ammo, after putting the crate down RIGHT next to the squad. You're almost better off with the damn little packs.

Do keep in mind people in your squard and medics are the only people that can rez you. There aren't many medics currently due to their horrible guns.

Planes and AA are being fixed next patch (Hopefully).

The snow map with the train tracks near the coast and twisted steel suck balls. People can just sit up on the tracks/bridge and snipe every position the entire game. Not sure what they were thinking there. Otherwise the rest are good.

Squad work catching those teams off guard or forcing them to try and take a point from you has made us win a few games.


FoH nuclear response team
Also, for snipers use the Gewehr 43. It is a sniper destroyer.

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<Gold Donor>
First, the hottest topic being discussed is our vision with TTK (Time to Kill) and TTD (Time to Death). Give us a moment to clarify our intentions and how we are approaching these elements going forward.

Top TTK/TTD Facts You Should Know
  1. The upcoming Battlefield V Tides of War Chapter 1: Overture Update will not have any changes that impact the current TTK. However, there will be balance tweaks to weapons (see breakdown below).
  2. TTK and TTD are very closely linked. We’re seeing players die too often/too quickly and get frustrated because of it. So, we’re looking at how we can improve the experience for new players and veterans alike. This may lead to a perceived slower TTK.
  3. We’re investigating all elements that play into TTD, from netcode to damage feedback/other components that influence TTD perceptions.
  4. We want to achieve gunplay balance where the experience is healthy, where latency is in a good place in order to improve consistency experience across all platforms including PC and Console.
  5. We want to propose any TTK model changes to you, the community, and involve you in testing experimental changes with the goal of improving experience and create deeper gameplay potential.
Our Vision with TTK/TTD
As cited by Florian Le Bihan (Core Gameplay Designer) aka /u/drunkkz3:
The TTD experience is one of our high priorities right now and there are a lot of important and complex pieces that are being investigated to identify any issues in that area, including netcode.
We are also expanding the scope of our investigation and improvements to other components that are directly related to the player experience when it comes to getting shot, receiving damage, etc.
Another important piece is that we want to closely look at how we can improve consistency of the gameplay across all platforms, but also consider how we can ensure that latency does not reduce the quality of that experience for all our players around the world.
As part of Battlefield V’s live service, we want to involve you in experimenting some changes that we believe could improve the overall experience and create a deeper gameplay.
The first experiment we want to run is a TTK change that we will be closely measuring soon.
This TTK experiment may take the following shape but may change as we’re still investigating how to approach. It may be proposed to players in-game by rolling out the new TTK changes globally to all players connecting to any server, while adding a new playlist accessible through the server browser where players can play the old (or as it is, current) TTK to compare the two experiences.​
As always, we’re continuing development of Battlefield V with the community in mind. Stay tuned as we’ll announce when the proposed experiment is available in-game and details of the exact changes.

Battlefield V Update Sneak Peek
Now, on to a laundry list of specific game elements that has been in discussion within our community as we lead into next week’s update release.
Please note that this is not fully inclusive of all updates being implemented. This is just a taste of what to expect. We will be releasing the full update notes prior to the update being released which will dive into all of the changes/improvements introduced.
  • Revive Mechanics
    • With the update, we are providing improvements that will make the Revive experience better on both ends (for the “reviver” and receiving “revive”). We identified a few delays that prevented players to get full control after the animation was completed - this is now resolved and will virtually make the reviving experience “faster”. We want to see if what we are addressing improves the quality of the experience enough. Increasing the revive speed is something we still keep in mind but aren’t implementing just yet.
  • Medic Class Balance
    • We will be introducing some weapon balance changes that will help most of the Medic weapons to perform better at-range, more specifically for the slower rate of fire SMGs that struggled to find a good place where they could compete against other weapons like Assault Rifles or Light Machine Guns. All the specific changes can be found in the weapon notes below but here is an outline of the changes we targeted:
      • Increased muzzle velocity and reduced bullet drag to allow more consistent range combat.
      • Increased the 5-hit kill range of SMGs to 30m instead of 25m.
      • Improved sustained fire accuracy of SMGs while aimed and stationary.
  • Weapon Balancing/Changes
    • Damage
      • Decreased M1928A1 maximum damage to 25.1 (previously 30)
      • Increased the 3 hit kill range of the Gewehr 1-5 to 30 meters (previously 25 meters)
      • Increased maximum damage for the Sturmgewehr 1-5 and StG 44 to 25.1 (previously 24)
      • Reduced the range at which the Turner SMLE can kill with one headshot and one body shot to 30 meters (previously 35 meters)
      • Increased the 4 hit kill range of all assault rifles, LMGs, MMGs and SMGs to 10 meters (previously 9 meters) to make close quarter damage more reliable
      • Increased all SMG 5 hit kill range to 30 meters (previously 25 meters)
      • Slightly extended pistol damage drop-off distances
      • Bolt actions no longer deal slightly reduced damage when hitting the lower body or upper arms, this means the minimum damage will never go below 55 damage.
    • Recoil
      • Increased horizontal recoil of the KE7 to 0.45 (previously 0.36)
      • Increased horizontal recoil of the M1907 SF to 0.41 (previously 0.39)
      • Decreased horizontal recoil of the STEN to 0.38 (previously 0.4) and increased the efficacy of the Ported Barrel specialization
    • Specializations
      • Increased the effect of the Slings and Swivels specialization. Switching to your primary weapon is now an additional 50 ms faster for all weapons and firing after sprinting is allowed an additional 16 ms earlier for bolt actions, assault rifles, semi auto rifles and SLRs
      • Changed the specialization for the KE7. Recoil Buffer has been removed. Quick Aim has been added. Specialization tree has been reordered
    • Reload
      • Increased the reload speed of the KE7. Base reload time is now 3.55 s (previously 3.75 s)
      • Increased the reload speed of the MG34 with the double drum magazine. Tactical reload is now 3.7 s (previously 4 s) and empty reload is 5.083 s (previously 5.5 s)
      • Increased the reload speed of the M1907 SF. Tactical reload is now 2.7 s (previously 2.9 s) and empty reload is 3.3 s (previously 3.5 s)
    • Miscellaneous
      • Improved sustained fire accuracy of SMGs while aimed and stationary
      • Decreased sustained fire accuracy of assault rifles while aimed and moving
      • Increased muzzle velocity of all SMGs as follows:
      • MP34: 495 m/s (previously 450 m/s)
      • MP34 (High Velocity Bullets): 560 m/s (previously 520 m/s)
      • STEN: 495 m/s (previously 430 m/s)
      • MP40: 455 m/s (previously 400 m/s)
      • EMP: 420 m/s (previously 380 m/s)
      • MP28: 345 m/s (previously 320 m/s)
      • Suomi KP/-31: 330 m/s (previously 300 m/s)
      • M1928A1: 330 m/s (previously 280 m/s)
      • Decreased drag of SMG bullets from to 0.005 (previously 0.007) for regular bullets and 0.0035 (previously 0.005) for High Velocity Bullets
  • Dragging Downed Teammates
    • You will not see the ability to drag downed teammates with this update. We are still investigating feasibility around this mechanic.
  • Max Rank Company Coin Accrual
    • We have a backend fix we have proposed (server side, so no client update needed). We are still testing to ensure stability and will update everyone once it’s live.
    • We are also working on a way to retroactively award Company Coin for hours played at Max Rank and hope to have an update for you soon that we can share.
  • User Interface
    • Syncing Loadouts Across Factions
      • Although we won’t have improvements implemented for the upcoming update, we are actively working on a solution.
    • ‘Apply All’ to Weapon Skins
      • This is coming in next week’s update!
    • Airlifts
      • What are Airlifts? - Battlefield V Deluxe Edition players and Origin Access Premier subscribers are granted 20 Airlifts, one new Airlift each week (each Airlift containing a single customization item) starting on the day that they receive the Deluxe Edition entitlement (whether through a pre-order, upgrade, or full code redemption method). Upon logging into Battlefield V for the first time, you will notice you have received Shipments in your Armory. Depending on when you received the Deluxe Edition entitlement you may have more than one Shipment waiting for you. In other words, if you received Deluxe Edition entitlement 5 weeks prior to actually playing Battlefield V for the first time you’ll have 5 Shipments waiting for you. At that point, you will have 15 more Shipments to be delivered, once a week for 15 weeks.
      • When do I start getting my Airlifts? - Your 20 Airlifts start deploying, one per week, when your Deluxe Edition entitlement is added to your account. This would be either by completing the purchase of Battlefield V Deluxe Edition, upgrading to Deluxe Edition, or redeeming a Deluxe Edition code.
      • What is in the Airlifts? - We’ll have a detailed rundown on what everyone gets in their Airlifts coming out soon. The 20 Airlifts consist of 2 emblems, 13 weapon part skins, 2 sidearm skins, and 1 uniform set.
      • Please note we are also working on a blog that will dive into Airlifts in much greater detail to clear up recent confusion.
  • Endless EOR (End of Round)
  • Spectator Mode Improvements
    • Two new features added to Spectator Mode including:
      • “Look at Player” Free Camera Option - When enabled, the camera automatically rotates to always be looking at that soldier/vehicle that's selected in the center player card. You can still move the camera while this is enabled which we do in a couple parts of the video below. It should be useful for players that make cinematics since they can make some unique shots with it. Its’s also useful for broadcasting tournaments since broadcasters won't need to rotate the camera manually to follow a certain player.
      • “Smooth Rotation” - You can see at the start of the video below. It's a PC-only addition to get smoother rotation when rotating the camera with the mouse.
Spectator Mode Improvement - "Look at Player" Free Camera Option
  • “Camera Sway” – An option to make the free camera or director camera move more like a handheld camera, leading to a cinematic polish if you’re looking for that kind of vibe.
Spectator Mode Improvement - "Camera Sway" Option
At the end of the day, our goal is to improve the gameplay experience of Battlefield V with you while providing visibility with our intentions. We hope this article does exactly that. We’re looking forward to seeing you on the Battlefield when the new update rolls out next week!
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<Silver Donator>
Hasn't SLI/Crossfire support always been iffy for most games?
Even more so with DX12. DX12 has interesting implementation allowing varying vendor support as long as performance is close...but it has to be written in which doesnt seem to be happening with any great degree.


Derives Perverse Pleasure
<Gold Donor>
Developers Apparently Triple Down at Launch Party in Stockholm
everyones battlefield.jpg
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