

<Silver Donator>
Coils are absurdly broken, yes.

Not sure what you're running, but if I had to guess, you've got Marauders with their busted headshot perk if you're getting that many headshots.
I keep switching them around since I've only found 2x of each. I think I've got the COIL on an Assassin right now, but I end up getting fucked pretty quick on some maps. Pretty sure I have the gauss cannon on a shadowhawk or phoenix hawk right now. I don't even know if I have a marauder.


Well, just wait until you get a Marauder then. They have a broken perk with trivializes the base game even more.
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<Silver Donator>
Eh, not worried too much about "trivializing" the game. I've probably finished 3 or 4 games in my life and I just like fucking around in them. Open world, sandbox games and what not.
I started cheating in this on day 2 or 3 with almost unlimited money and am still having a blast just going into missions at 50-75% the tonnage of the opposing force.

I really just started cheating because I was about to zero out due to monthly costs and it was stressing me out. I splurge on weapons, ammo and equipment, but haven't bought any mechs with it yet. Just using the mechs that I've found.


Which way, western man?
<Gold Donor>
I really wish I kept my Battletech cards, fucking Mom threw them all out when I was younger. Probably have to scour ebay or amazon for used ones.

This was my homie back in the day:

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Buzzfeed Editor
I really wish I kept my Battletech cards, fucking Mom threw them all out when I was younger. Probably have to scour ebay or amazon for used ones.

This was my homie back in the day:

View attachment 385804
I had a thousand or so cards, bought them bulk cheap at a card store after the game was already dead. Game was complicated enough that *sadly* I was able to play against myself pretty well making decisions about the board without acting like I knew their hand.

Loved my masakari's (had like 3 as well as natasha kerensky hero Daishi)

Forget what I sold/traded them for in college, but still wish I'd kept them.

EDIT: Im shocked they want good money for sealed cards on a game that is dead and I didnt think very collectible.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
I really wish I kept my Battletech cards, fucking Mom threw them all out when I was younger. Probably have to scour ebay or amazon for used ones.

This was my homie back in the day:

View attachment 385804
I loved this game. I still have all my cards. Hell I even picked up a cheap sealed booster box of Counterstrike cards a few years back. This is a game I would play if anyone around me did.
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<Prior Amod>
I had a thousand or so cards, bought them bulk cheap at a card store after the game was already dead. Game was complicated enough that *sadly* I was able to play against myself pretty well making decisions about the board without acting like I knew their hand.
doesn't everybody that makes a deck playtest against themselves?


Which way, western man?
<Gold Donor>
I had a thousand or so cards, bought them bulk cheap at a card store after the game was already dead. Game was complicated enough that *sadly* I was able to play against myself pretty well making decisions about the board without acting like I knew their hand.

Loved my masakari's (had like 3 as well as natasha kerensky hero Daishi)

Forget what I sold/traded them for in college, but still wish I'd kept them.

EDIT: Im shocked they want good money for sealed cards on a game that is dead and I didnt think very collectible.

Loved the Artwork on all the cards too, even the non-mech playing cards.

Found a site that has a good selection of cards if you want to get a nostalgia fix:


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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Not going to lie - the art was really hit and miss for me. For example, the Black Hack and Hatchetman above look pretty sweet, but that Atlas looks derpy as fuck. Still love the game, though. And if any of the hundreds of dead TCGs was to make a 2.0 comeback, I'd def try this shit again.

Oh, and Illumimati: New World Order was pretty fun, too.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
I never cared back in the day but now it triggers the fuck out of me that they have the IS name in bold caps and the proper clan name in much smaller text afterwards.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
I have some extended holiday time off, so I decided to try out the mods for this. TL:DR - I rec trying out the Battletech Advanced 3062 (BTA) mod.

I never bought the 3 DLC's originally, so I went directly from base game -> 3 DLC + mods. So exactly what was added per the DLC's and what was added per the mods, I'm not always sure (which I know, isn't the most helpful).

I started with the seemingly most popular mod - RogueTech. I played one game and uninstalled this. The level of detail both in building mechs and shit shown in combat was just... overwhelming to say the least. I wanted more options - more mech, weps, etc - but this went WAY overboard for what I was looking for.

So I tried the 2nd most popular - Battletech Advanced 3062 (BTA). Much better for me. It was described as the mod that branched off from RogueTech once the bloat started getting out of control. Loving it so far. Sooooo many more mechs. Sooooo much more tech/items for mechs. Added a few additional pilot skills and tweaked the existing ones (no more Called Shot, which I'm ok with as it got broken once you get good weapons/items/skills), pilot bonuses based upon combat experience, etc etc. Also really digging the extra Argo upgrades - you can eventually have 2 full lances of mechs and a lance of vehicles under your control, per map. Everything was expanded in ways I liked, without going into autistic levels of detail. Really liking the rebalancing as well.

Combat is substantially better, and by that I mean the AI is fucking vicious. I love it, but damn, it took a minute to get used to. If a mech can get behind you to shoot your back - they will. Every time. They also seem to melee more when it's a good option (and there's much better options both for available mechs and mods/weps for melee). This increased difficulty has made the starting game slow as shit, as I'm literally clawing and scraping just to make monthly upkeep, while trying to upgrade my mechs, pilots, and the Argo. I was losing a lot of time and money both in repairing mechs and letting mechwarriors heal up, because even the half star missions will tear your shit up, as a new player. Man, I really forgot how gimpy you are with a base, un-upgraded Argo. And green pilots with shit skills. One of the starting careers gives you a nice upfront sum of credits, and it may be the best option. It's not the best longterm, but you have to GET to longterm for that to matter, so /shrug I'm sure if I wasn't trying to keep pretty much every partial mech piece my cash flow would be better. But... gotta catch 'em all! I have it set to take 4 salvage pieces to reform a mech, and even with the system allowing you to often use variations of mechs together to build one, due to the mass amount of different mechs in the game, it really takes a minute to get enough pieces to reform mechs.

Another nice feature - light mechs are now viable, or at least much much more than they were, as it's a bit easier to get evasion pips, and more importantly, you DO NOT lose one each time someone shoots you. Whatever you acquire from moving/skills/items, you keep until the next turn. This means small fast mechs can legit survive, but they are of course still going to bite it to a lucky 2-3 hits. And this evasion seems to have a lessened effect against melee, because you absolutely do not want to get these little guys in melee range of the opfor. I have a Locust with 2x ER ML and I love it for harassing and distracting the opfor, but he typically gets 6-8 pips per move.

There's a ton of other features I haven't even run across yet - like a hidden Super Heavy mech (~200 tons in lore, not sure in this game) you can only get pieces for from one mission from one faction, hero mechs earned from Solaris wins, etc, but there's so much more "game" here than there used to be, so if you like the game but wanted more, I would look at these mods.


Millie's Staff Member
I have some extended holiday time off, so I decided to try out the mods for this. TL:DR - I rec trying out the Battletech Advanced 3062 (BTA) mod.

I never bought the 3 DLC's originally, so I went directly from base game -> 3 DLC + mods. So exactly what was added per the DLC's and what was added per the mods, I'm not always sure (which I know, isn't the most helpful).

I started with the seemingly most popular mod - RogueTech. I played one game and uninstalled this. The level of detail both in building mechs and shit shown in combat was just... overwhelming to say the least. I wanted more options - more mech, weps, etc - but this went WAY overboard for what I was looking for.

So I tried the 2nd most popular - Battletech Advanced 3062 (BTA). Much better for me. It was described as the mod that branched off from RogueTech once the bloat started getting out of control. Loving it so far. Sooooo many more mechs. Sooooo much more tech/items for mechs. Added a few additional pilot skills and tweaked the existing ones (no more Called Shot, which I'm ok with as it got broken once you get good weapons/items/skills), pilot bonuses based upon combat experience, etc etc. Also really digging the extra Argo upgrades - you can eventually have 2 full lances of mechs and a lance of vehicles under your control, per map. Everything was expanded in ways I liked, without going into autistic levels of detail. Really liking the rebalancing as well.

Combat is substantially better, and by that I mean the AI is fucking vicious. I love it, but damn, it took a minute to get used to. If a mech can get behind you to shoot your back - they will. Every time. They also seem to melee more when it's a good option (and there's much better options both for available mechs and mods/weps for melee). This increased difficulty has made the starting game slow as shit, as I'm literally clawing and scraping just to make monthly upkeep, while trying to upgrade my mechs, pilots, and the Argo. I was losing a lot of time and money both in repairing mechs and letting mechwarriors heal up, because even the half star missions will tear your shit up, as a new player. Man, I really forgot how gimpy you are with a base, un-upgraded Argo. And green pilots with shit skills. One of the starting careers gives you a nice upfront sum of credits, and it may be the best option. It's not the best longterm, but you have to GET to longterm for that to matter, so /shrug I'm sure if I wasn't trying to keep pretty much every partial mech piece my cash flow would be better. But... gotta catch 'em all! I have it set to take 4 salvage pieces to reform a mech, and even with the system allowing you to often use variations of mechs together to build one, due to the mass amount of different mechs in the game, it really takes a minute to get enough pieces to reform mechs.

Another nice feature - light mechs are now viable, or at least much much more than they were, as it's a bit easier to get evasion pips, and more importantly, you DO NOT lose one each time someone shoots you. Whatever you acquire from moving/skills/items, you keep until the next turn. This means small fast mechs can legit survive, but they are of course still going to bite it to a lucky 2-3 hits. And this evasion seems to have a lessened effect against melee, because you absolutely do not want to get these little guys in melee range of the opfor. I have a Locust with 2x ER ML and I love it for harassing and distracting the opfor, but he typically gets 6-8 pips per move.

There's a ton of other features I haven't even run across yet - like a hidden Super Heavy mech (~200 tons in lore, not sure in this game) you can only get pieces for from one mission from one faction, hero mechs earned from Solaris wins, etc, but there's so much more "game" here than there used to be, so if you like the game but wanted more, I would look at these mods.
Yeah, I have been playing 3062 since I beat the main campaign about a month ago.

It is a revelation, to be sure. And the restart when you have a 35% chance to hit when all the stars align is quite the shocker. The increased requirement for sensor work and instability to strategize weapon hit chance is a major part of the change overall.

But, yeah, what you said. So many weapons, mechs, vehicles, skills, it is amazing. Depending on your start point the game is also completely different.

When you get the chance, do any Titan mission you find. Typically it is you against 2 assault mechs and some tanks or other small shit. My mostly medium lance of 6 mechs and 1 vehicle (albeit with a lot of ballistic experts and a gauss equipped Centurion and Hunchback) got an Atlas to eject and put down another 90 tonner. I salvaged the Atlas.

When I allied with my chosen faction (Capellans because of where I started), I ended up with a special 1 on 2 mission where I fought with my gauss Centurion against two assaults - a Cyclops and a Awesome. It was my best battle ever, and I took them out with some internal damage but no limb or weapon losses.

TL;DR - the mod is basically better than the base game, with the base game acting as a tutorial.
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