Ahh, I've got it now.
Foler you have a new contender for worst and most pathetic LARP in forum history. Congrats bro.
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Ahh, I've got it now.
Foler you have a new contender for worst and most pathetic LARP in forum history. Congrats bro.
Like I said, it's only a contender.
I have a 15 year lead on him. You think I’m the slightest concerned?Like I said, it's only a contender.
I'm no expert, but you have you thought of... you know... NOT doing that? It might just be crazy enough to work on a long enough timeline!
It's not the longest, dummy, it's the worst and most pathetic. There's no time dimension to that. And if you relapse and resume your particular LARP in a spectacular fashion you will also be sent back to find some chill in equally spectacular fashion.
Man says my former larp is at stake and then refuses me to defend said larp. I gotcha.. Let’s give the man a chance and see how he does.It's not the longest, dummy, it's the worst and most pathetic. There's no time dimension to that. And if you relapse and resume your particular LARP in a spectacular fashion you will also be sent back to find some chill in equally spectacular fashion.
You've been doing well up to this point, don't blow it.
No, but for the small price of 299.95 plus shipping I can install silver mesh on the inside of your hat.Do you guys sell tinfoil hats in the shop?
FTFYMan calls new drunk almost as bad as former drunk and warns former drunk not to take a drink so they don't fall off the wagon. I gotcha.. Let’s see how pathetic of a drunk this new guy is.
MMm, banned,Miscers are lifting nerds.
I was a fat kid posting on FoH Forums in 2001, I was 14? Anyways I got to age 22 and weighed 340lbs and decided to make and put some effort into my life. I naturally gravitated towards Bodybuilding.com and found the Misc. It was a mature 4chan like atmosphere but better because everyone lifted and we all were motivated to improve our own lives. The community flourished with Zyzz. Lifting was in. It was cool to lift. Anyways. It use to be good. The misc has gone downhill over time. We are seeking refuge and new home. Hopefully we can pump some life into this forum and motivate people to lift.
the foreskin produces smegma which hollywood uses to look youngCircumcision is a jewish scam perpetrated on the american populace.
1744 calorie post lunch snack , bagel with creamcheese x 3 with a bar of chocolate
Kind of embarrassing to think about how many of those I've ate while drinking.Stuffed crust 3-meat digorno pizzas are pretty good too.
1 whole Publix rotisserie chicken
1 box of chicken rice
1 side salad made with 3 cups of leafy greens, shredded cheddar cheese, bacon bits, cucumber, and vinegar/olive oil dressing.
Diet iced tea
standard DS lunch here
Mainly my Wang is fat but I appear to have a swollen abdomen but it’s not belly fat mostly. It’s a hernia . Doctors been wanting me to get it taken care of but I’m going to hold out until it actually causes me pain.mirin , are you fat ? I'm fat
Any country that is nationalistic, hates commies, fags, queermosexuals, losers, retards, and failures. Jails criminals, and doesn’t let goblins undermine their currency is the road to prosperity.
I mean these are simple common sense things, it’s odd you even need to ask. You guys need to be educated may I suggest InfoWars.
Right? I sold mine for a misc platinum account and look how that ended.Circumcision is a jewish scam perpetrated on the american populace.