Daily Wire is controlled/approved opposition. If they weren't approved, they'd be canceled. Next.
And to answer your question, yes. The point I'm making is ALL organized news is either controlled, fake, or evil. Or some combination of those. The whole 'news organization' model is outdated from a function and business standpoint anyway.
-From a function standpoint, they are pointless. Back in the pre-internet days, you needed actual physical platforms to get your message out at all. Air time was expensive, and there was limited airwave space due to the limitations of the EM broadcast spectrum. Print was expensive because it took infrastructure to get the paper, print it, and distribute it. These costs have been steadily eroding over time as tech has progressed. Nowadays, all you need is an internet connection which is near universal, and a camera for video, which is also near universal and cheap. All the rest like a fancy studio, a pretty airhead to read your copy, and flashy graphics is mere window dressing, sauce, flavor. All of that flavor is unnecessary to the fundaments of what a free press as guaranteed by the 1A is all about: conveying information without hindrance from government (and I'd argue corporate as well) authority. Or if you like, investigative journalism defined as: information that someone somewhere doesn't want you to know. Especially the powerful who are out there screwing everyone and fucking things up.
-From a business standpoint, news orgs are MASSIVE money sinks. Their only value is in the 'brand value' of their name. Billionaires like Bezos (WAPO) and Carlos Slim (NYTimes, tho not sure if that's current), didn't buy those companies because they wanted to make money, they bought them to lend their opinions (and those of their lackeys) credibility. They wanted to wear those companies' reputations from yesteryear as a skinsuit while they could to convince both the people and -more importantly- the managerial class rulers of what is moral and good. As long as they didn't lose TOOOO much money in the process it was worth it to them as a loss leader for their other enterprises.
Want proof it's not about money? Tucker Carlson's firing. Carlson was far and away the most successful news host on cable news for years and years. His audience numbers were greater than the next 10 hosts' shows COMBINED. And yet Fox News dumped him over nothing, costing them a VERY large chunk of ratings, money, and credibility. "But we're trying to make money via the popularity and thus ratings of our shows! Honest, rubes!"
Give me a break.
Now that a critical mass of people are onto this game ALL of these news orgs are dying out, and platforms that are nothing more than platforms such as (god help us) Twitter/X and Substack and Telegram are where you can find actual happenings in real time from both biased and potentially unbiased sources. ALL of the news orgs you listed there are a dying breed who have shot whatever credibility they might have had to kingdom come, and their deaths can't come soon enough and are currently ongoing as evidenced by the massive layoffs occurring throughout the rank and file of their
reporters typist pools.