But matches do correspond to lays if you both actually agree to fuck. And that's what happened. But I was in the safety of my armchair and simply testing out my sociocultural hypothesis.
Tinder meaning nothing actually supports what I say and I don't recall saying otherwise? Dismissing what I said as "nonsense" is pretty worthless, too.
You can certainly go and whine to have me banned or ejected, but that will confirm my suspicions that this place is a hate-filled safe space for extremists. Normal and well-adjusted people can tolerate alternate views without spewing vitriol or reaching for the cancel button, my friend.
there is no cancel button here except the self-cancel button, and some very reasonable rules.
What "act"? This is just pretension and insults. No normal person feels the need to spew vitriol like this.
Like I've had to regrettably say several times back at BB.com, just don't make farcical accusations, stuff words into people's mouths, ascribe evil intentions, false motives and nefarious agendas where they just simply don't exist. Stick to my own words when deciding who I am and what I believe.
It's what I can't stand about the extremist right-wing. They need to be angry so badly they'll just fabricate anger out of thin air regardless of whether or not there's actually anything to be angry about.
your expounded discussions around how much pussy you get and how your not racist genuinely make it seem like your 17 years old or something, or mentally delayed.
most of the people here are either happily married, divorced, or living some type of completely degenerate lifestyle (full spectrum here -- really interesting btw).
I think perhaps what we haven't figured out, is where do you fit specifically? Honestly a bit of a mystery, other than what feels like a bit of a front with your gun's blazing pussy grabbing not-ractist not-tranny chasing story.
If you go and read deep here there is a startling sincere sentiment and honesty to some of the stories like
... And then theres the people who claim they are rich and ride ferraris yet actually swallow cock like
who started out just like you denying it and then eventually doesnt deny it anymore. Could this guy be like foler's alter ego?
I say we go to you. You have repeatedly attempted to wow with stories and references to other forums. Who sir are you? Show us the real
-- this is your chance for the life story. What got you here to go to BB? Whats your life all about? What got you spending so much time talking and arguing about trannies? When was your first exposure to Tranny porn?