This is proof that you are in fact a racist. You're long-winded explanation of how you "aren't" a racist just confirms it.I got suspended for using a racial slur. But it's certainly not my intention to denigrate a race. I don't believe in the reality of race and argued extensively against that before this episode. The only reason I used a racial slur was because I knew they'd make a thread complaining about it, and I'd catch him in the act of being a hypocrite. Since they use homophobic and transphobic slurs on the regular, constantly throw childish insults around, then act with wounded hauteur when someone is an internet meanie in kind. It was a necessary means to an end. And that end was accomplished, since no one could explain why homophobia is ok but racism isn't.
A racist would do things like say the holocaust wasn't real, claim blacks/Bagel Eaters/Faulty Armors are stealing our jobs, employ pseudoscience/phrenology to claim other races are less intelligent/more violent, quote known racist junk science etc. I do the literal opposite of that.
I know how much the extremist right likes to invent boogeymen for the purposes of playing the victim and have something to be angry about, but you can't ignore evidence inconsistent with your allegations. I know this might be difficult to believe, but sometimes the boogeyman simply isn't real.
Someone who was just being an edgelord and not actually being a racist would have answered

edit: See

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