Correct.Erronius, just the man I need. Am I misremembering? Didn't Lend have those fucking gym pants that were cringe AF?
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Correct.Erronius, just the man I need. Am I misremembering? Didn't Lend have those fucking gym pants that were cringe AF?
That should be good - there are quite a few Oly lifters but crossfit will trigger people and I expect that they will neg you into the red pretty fast...Made an account, I'm going to roleplay as a crossfit lover, looking down on those who don't know how to do the Oly lifts.
LOL, nope. My ban at is up in 12 hours and as soon as I can post there again, I'm leaving here forever (And I'll probably leave too since it's a troll-filled toilet ruined by the right-wingers too).Ditto. Hope he sticks around, regardless of how ostracized he already is and will be.
I mean, I legit miss Brando's shit flinging too.
LOL, nope. My ban at is up in 12 hours and as soon as I can post there again, I'm leaving here forever (And I'll probably leave too since it's a troll-filled toilet ruined by the right-wingers too).
I was only ever here to chat whilst I rode out my ban at It's even worse in here. It literally reminds me of some sort of Darkweb forum where right-wing insane extremists gather together to plot their next atrocity. Right up there with Stromfront or Chimpout as the most hate-filled safe space I've ever seen on the Internet.
I'll never get how some people find a sort of demented relief in typing up tear filled tirades about boogeyman who aren't real.
invent boogeymen
the boogeyman simply isn't real.
Boogeyman Creation for Dummies.
Marxist boogeyman
There's no boogeyman
tirades about boogeyman
I'm leaving here forever (And I'll probably leave too
LOL, nope. My ban at is up in 12 hours and as soon as I can post there again, I'm leaving here forever (And I'll probably leave too since it's a troll-filled toilet ruined by the right-wingers too).
I was only ever here to chat whilst I rode out my ban at It's even worse in here. It literally reminds me of some sort of Darkweb forum where right-wing insane extremists gather together to plot their next atrocity. Right up there with Stromfront or Chimpout as the most hate-filled safe space I've ever seen on the Internet.
I'll never get how some people find a sort of demented relief in typing up tear filled tirades about boogeyman who aren't real.
My ban at expires in less than 8 hours. If I were you, I'd enjoy the safe space back there while I still could.What would Liberals do without their terms lol.
Everyone who posts here and decries "I am leaving here forever" always comes back. FOH is like a disfunctional abusive relationship. Admit it, you love being slapped around here. Its just the little bitch in you.LOL, nope. My ban at is up in 12 hours and as soon as I can post there again, I'm leaving here forever (And I'll probably leave too since it's a troll-filled toilet ruined by the right-wingers too).
I was only ever here to chat whilst I rode out my ban at It's even worse in here. It literally reminds me of some sort of Darkweb forum where right-wing insane extremists gather together to plot their next atrocity. Right up there with Stromfront or Chimpout as the most hate-filled safe space I've ever seen on the Internet.
I'll never get how some people find a sort of demented relief in typing up tear filled tirades about boogeyman who aren't real.
"slapped around", lol. No, not really. I've got far better things to do with my time than entertain a bunch of likely autistic fuck-ups who are at such a sorry station in life they feel the need to abuse complete strangers from behind the safety of a keyboard.Everyone who posts here and decries "I am leaving here forever" always comes back. FOH is like a disfunctional abusive relationship. Admit it, you love being slapped around here. Its just the little bitch in you.
See, this is the problem with most of you non-Americans who post here. America is the big leagues. Foreigners always come here and then cry about how "rough" it is here. And then of course they attempt to make themselves feel better by telling themselves we are all "fuck-ups who are in a sorry station in life". Except... we are Americans. This board has doctors, lawyers, Feds (a whole bunch of Feds), business owners etc. Go back to your safe space board and take solace in telling yourself that those meanies over at FOH are all poors. And when you come back in a few weeks we will gladly take you back and continue to piss all over you."slapped around", lol. No, not really. I've got far better things to do with my time than entertain a bunch of likely autistic fuck-ups who are at such a sorry station in life they feel the need to abuse complete strangers from behind the safety of a keyboard.
LOL, nope. My ban at is up in 12 hours and as soon as I can post there again, I'm leaving here forever (And I'll probably leave too since it's a troll-filled toilet ruined by the right-wingers too).
I was only ever here to chat whilst I rode out my ban at It's even worse in here. It literally reminds me of some sort of Darkweb forum where right-wing insane extremists gather together to plot their next atrocity. Right up there with Stromfront or Chimpout as the most hate-filled safe space I've ever seen on the Internet.
I'll never get how some people find a sort of demented relief in typing up tear filled tirades about boogeyman who aren't real.
LOL, nope. My ban at is up in 12 hours and as soon as I can post there again, I'm leaving here forever (And I'll probably leave too since it's a troll-filled toilet ruined by the right-wingers too).
I was only ever here to chat whilst I rode out my ban at It's even worse in here. It literally reminds me of some sort of Darkweb forum where right-wing insane extremists gather together to plot their next atrocity. Right up there with Stromfront or Chimpout as the most hate-filled safe space I've ever seen on the Internet.
I'll never get how some people find a sort of demented relief in typing up tear filled tirades about boogeyman who aren't real.
It's words on a screen dude, calm the fuck down. Heaven forbid you have sharpen your argument and provide proof or some semblance of logic. If you are that easily rattled by words on screen what do you do when confronted by a real threat RL?LOL, nope. My ban at is up in 12 hours and as soon as I can post there again, I'm leaving here forever (And I'll probably leave too since it's a troll-filled toilet ruined by the right-wingers too).
I was only ever here to chat whilst I rode out my ban at It's even worse in here. It literally reminds me of some sort of Darkweb forum where right-wing insane extremists gather together to plot their next atrocity. Right up there with Stromfront or Chimpout as the most hate-filled safe space I've ever seen on the Internet.
I'll never get how some people find a sort of demented relief in typing up tear filled tirades about boogeyman who aren't real.
"slapped around", lol. No, not really. I've got far better things to do with my time than entertain a bunch of likely autistic fuck-ups who are at such a sorry station in life they feel the need to abuse complete strangers from behind the safety of a keyboard.
These are the lies you tell yourself.It's words on a screen dude, calm the fuck down. Heaven forbid you have sharpen your argument and provide proof or some semblance of logic. If you are that easily rattled by words on screen what do you do when confronted by a real threat RL?
This place isn't all one thing. I don't represent everything about this board and this board doesn't represent everything about me. There are members here that are pretty open about their feelings on skin tone and I disagree with them, however, I believe in their right to freedom of speech (Hi2UDavidGoldberger). I have been very vocal about how I disagree with them and guess what, they didn't change their minds. What am I gonna do argue with them on every single post? Nope, I just scroll past it and move on with my day.
What you don't realize is that this board has already had all these arguments with stupid fucks like you. If you want to live in your little bubble and keep swallowing all the bullshit propaganda out there go right ahead, just understand you are going to get push back here. If you stick around here long enough you will learn to read past the insults and wink/nod racial banter and read the actual point of the posts. I suggest you stick around and be open minded, you might learn something.
Lastly, I and many of us are not "right wingers" it is the left that has gone bat shit. Elon's tweet from a awhile back is the most succinct way to sum up my politics...
View attachment 424682
The man is a dirty shabbos and I pity him but when he does spit the truth it's got blades on it lol.See, this is the problem with most of you non-Americans who post here. America is the big leagues. Foreigners always come here and then cry about how "rough" it is here. And then of course they attempt to make themselves feel better by telling themselves we are all "fuck-ups who are in a sorry station in life". Except... we are Americans. This board has doctors, lawyers, Feds (a whole bunch of Feds), business owners etc. Go back to your safe space board and take solace in telling yourself that those meanies over at FOH are all poors. And when you come back in a few weeks we will gladly take you back and continue to piss all over you.
Haha you are such a dumb fuck.This is the lies you tell yourself.
The position that you hold now were never left of center. Your position on abortion was never to the left of center. Nor your position on 2A or inmigration or voting, or race, nor police.
I don't like Hillary either, but she is far and away the lesser of two evils. Forget the person/personality and look at the issues.
I am an independent but I cannot vote for the candidate/party that...
...denies climate change/global warming,
...wants to reverse Rowe vs Wade,
...thinks trickle down economics actually works,
...does not want to provide Healthcare for all Americans,
...thinks building a wall will solve the problem of immigration,
...wants to reverse same sex marriage,
...wants to ban/discriminate against all Muslims,
...thinks stem cell research is immoral,
...etc etc etc
To me Hillary is by far the lesser of two evils and yes that sucks. I just cannot vote for a loose cannon like Trump. Sadly people think voting for Trump will somehow fix the corruption of a two party system but it won't. The only way to change this two party system is make it so a 3rd, 4th or even 5th party has viable resources to get seats at the table.
I wish Bernie was the Candidate, and fuck its sucks that the DNC is probably reason why. I am having to sacrifice some of my values to vote for Hillary, but I am not going to abandon all my values and vote for Trump. To me this election is more about that open Supreme Court seat than anything else.
I hate to make a post like this and disappear from the discussion but I have to. Hosting a my Kid's Halloween Party tonight and a lot needs to be done.
That is not how pro-choice/pro life means. One is exclusionary of the other. You can not be pro choice in case of rape and pro life in case of electives abortion. That means being intellectually dishonest.Haha you are such a dumb fuck.
I am more pro-choice than pro-life. Sadly I think abortion is a necessary evil in society. Would I choose it in my own life? Say I stepped out my wife or she me or one of my kids knocked up a girl? I would choose life in all those scenarios.
Regarding guns, I have stated multiple times on here that I have never even shot a real gun. I shot a BB gun when I was like 10, that is it. That said I have recently reached out to my cop buddy about educating me on guns. I think the time has come for me to own one.
Overall the gun ban debate is stupid, it is never gonna happen you would have an easier time removing salt from the ocean.
You know fuck all about me.