Molten Core Raider
- 364
- 1,446

Both new miscs needed to start dishing out perms to undesirables day 1.Fixed that for you...
No, I'm all good.
Gangbangers don't care about how many women and children they have to mow down just to miss Lil Spaz, so they're not exactly worried noise suppression.I am sure people will try to use this as an argument to not take suppressors off the NFA even though suppressors are almost never used in homicide. I don't think even 1/10 of 1% of firearm deaths involve a suppressor. I know it is some absurdly low number, but I don't have the number to back that claim up.
Not that statistics ever mattered when it came to the ATF and gun regulations or else we'd just ban inner cities by walling them off.
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