Molten Core Raider
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Consider yourself lucky, man. There's now a black box warning because they're known to give people what's called "floxxies" where they have lifelong peripheral neuropathy and tendon problems. What's scary is that it does something to the tendons that traditional rehabilitation methods can't resolve despite being in the same place.I once took Cipro, which is a fluoroquinolone antibiotic, and it fukin rekt me m8. Fucked my stomach up for days.
Feel better bro.
Funny thing about the illness - I called my doctor's office on Thursday just to see if they were going to call me back, and she said that they would only call if something was wrong, but they were behind on paperwork.
Later on, I'm in the middle of lifting at home and get a call from them saying that I had early signs of mono but my other blood work looked fine.

For reference, I saw the first doc on the 13th when I was at my worst, and the bloodwork was done 10 days later, so I guess I'm doing better if I'm getting my strength and energy back.
I'm just going to an orthopedic next week for a second opinion on my knees since the symptoms are a bit different and I'm sick of trying to self-diagnosis.
I hate to say it, but some of it might have been overdoing it on the max trainer because that thing is seriously the coolest, most fun cardio device I've used and I wish there were more options like it. That thing will give you a better workout in a just several minutes, and you can reposition yourself to work different muscles harder (or if something's hurting). For $300, it was easily my best facebook marketplace score.
Bernie was talking about H-1B as far back as 2007:
I don't agree with Bernie on a lot of things, but holy shit did the dems fuck their voters, themselves, and frankly the country as a whole by continually sidelining the guy because he at least has more integrity than the entire DNC put together. That's not saying much, but still.
One of the many problems with importing Indians willing to undercut everyone just to do the same job worse and unintelligibly is how so much of the supposed root issue (not enough Americans with the qualifications/talent) could easily be another point in favor of dissolving all DEI and rooting out activists from academia.
That's the country's problem - instead of teaching anything remotely useful, we have a bunch of rainbow brigadiers preoccupied with pronouns and converting kids' genders running amok through every level of the education system. The end result is more people going into debt for the privilege of being brainwashed into more parasites who will continue destroying the country from within.
I'm pretty sure even Elon criticized the US college system, and Vivek? That's exactly how the UK wound up as a third world mixing pot after letting all Indians and pakis run their country. We won't be getting the >0.01% of friendly, helpful Indians* who work at Amazon customer service, we're getting the rest.
*But the Westerners and Filipinos are still better.
I don't hate Elon and I think all of the EDS twitter-to-bluesky users are retarded, but the guy is way too autistic to be loyal to no matter how you slice it.
For every good take he might have, he's always going to have at least one spastic outburst in his back pocket.
He does a lot with Space X, but then he has Tesla.
He has Starlink, but then he has a weird obsession with the letter X and naming things like a remedial teenager.
He's so autistically bipolar that he comes across as almost human half the time.
I suppose a lot of his fan base might come from Tesla, but his cars are like the Apple products of cars except unlike Apple products, they do the opposite of just working on top of being electric.
And the Cybertruck looks like he wanted to make the APC from Aliens then tried to draw it from memory after a brain contusion.

all that is decorations? i dont even have a christmas tree. fuck all that shit

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