I've never had it checked, so hope springs eternaland testosterone.
This just means that I should post more thotsI've never had it checked, so hope springs eternal
So much for AsshatBubbles 1:1 KDR ratio, farewell little points!
This just means that I should post more thots
I did my part for -1000. Fucking foreigners.I've never had it checked, so hope springs eternal
So much for AsshatBubbles 1:1 KDR ratio, farewell little points!
I do post good thots, you people just have an awful taste in womenIf you posted good thots nobody would harrow you.
We used to have snailsrus but she passed away pretty recently, she was really nice.
Katya is like the misc's version of MFF.Katya got denied? Shes the only legit female who tried to come over it seems lmfao! Shes based let her in.
Was she vaxxed? I hear that "died suddenly" is the leading cause of death among people these days.yeah, it's true. snailsrus was the unquestioned queen of the misc for a couple years there. She was humble and nice. Can't say a bad word about her really. Super sad she passed earlier this year.
Oh I firmly believe that at this point the path to zero is inevitable for Bubbles no matter what he posts. It's solidly into forum meme territory at this point.If you posted good thots nobody would harrow you.
yeah, it's true. snailsrus was the unquestioned queen of the misc for a couple years there. She was humble and nice. Can't say a bad word about her really. Super sad she passed earlier this year.
That’s how it always goes. I wonder if wincel died if it would be heralded as a great poster?No she wasn't. She didn't become queen of misc until she died, then all of a sudden everyone loved her.
that was a funny game.
The only thing I miss from Bubbles is the 'dong or no dong' posts he used to try to gotcha people with, that was a funny game.
There is no "queen of the Misc", anyone suggesting so is more of the usual Gynocentric clown world BS.No she wasn't. She didn't become queen of misc until she died, then all of a sudden everyone loved her.
What updates? Search is still sh*t and forum functions haven’t changed/ improved ever.Honestly hope it's the new "updates" temporarily breaking the forums. Seems that has been the case more than once in the past, and was the given explanation last time.
I've never virtue signaled about her myself, but she was very nice and I followed her on ig, seeing her last 2 pictures she posted hit hard. It looked like she knew.There is no "queen of the Misc", anyone suggesting so is more of the usual Gynocentric clown world BS.
Snails was a really cool/nice person though, for sure. The way some people started acting/virtue signaling about her posthumously was kind of cringe though.