While I thought this thread was quite amusing, I also thought that you were a total dumbass for saying this. "so leet. yes." ...Please. Lets face it, your flames sucked. Your choice of words to compose those flames suck. And quite frankly, you suck. Auspex/Unleashed"s flames were way more thought out than yours, more direct, better punctuation/english skills, and were harsher than yours. Lets face it, even though Auspex/Unleashed was the fool here, you were the one who was just making a total fucking ass of yourself by your replies, sig, and all around cockiness that you just got from setting yourself up on this pedistal of "teh online pwn", thinking that you actually gained something from this thread...not to mention it isn"t even your guild message board. "100 replies. so leet. yes." Heh, why doesn"t someone just smack you.