after 2 months of cape shows, Stranger Things, Obi-Wan, etc its so bizarre to return back to an amazing show with adults making reasonable informed choices
yeah a bit surprising the Lalo plot is resolved so quick, it was super sad to see Howard buried next to Lalo. Re-RIP a great character. Mike's sad look was also great.
I like how Mike is portrayed as super smart, way smarter than most criminals. But Lalo is 2 steps ahead of even him. But then even abovve Lalo, Gus Fring is operating on another level. Which begs the question, was Walter White smarter than Gus Fring or was he just a lucky ass motherfucker.
Big ups to Lyle, being the opener and closer for 2 shifts in a row. Promote the man Mr. Fring, he has management potential.
Euphoria have more emmy noms
Euphoria is degenerate gay shit.
Tell me you've.....It's a premium HBO series with one previous best actor emmy win for Zendaya.
It absolutely deserves to be considered alongside the likes of Succession.
I didn't watch any of it until earlier this year when I did both seasons in a week. I also thought it was just teen drama nonsense but it's far from it.
Only people who have never seen it would mention it in the same breath as fking Moon Knight, but that's justspronk being
He didn't assume Gus would go there. He even said it was a nice surprise. He just wanted to get evidence to bring back to Don Eladio so the whole cartel would go after Gus.when Howard's car gets found and she has to attend his funeral/memorial while pretending she has no idea what happened to him. then knowing she helped destroy his name which led to his death, its going to destroy her too. either she kills herself or leaves law entirely and goes into seclusion. i think she goes into seclusion so Jimmy has no idea what happened to her later on, so if she eventually decides to kill herself he never knows. at this point, Saul is a monster if he goes on like business as usual, but even he would lose his shit if he knew it killed the woman he loves. a breakup is less traumatic.
Lalo assumed this would all work out the way he thought, but there was a very real possibility Kim left and kept on going instead of following his instructions, pretty sure thats what Jimmy wanted her to do. Lalo assumed that he could break into the laundry and not be detected. he also assumed Gus would go there with a limited number of men. he assumed a lot of shit that should have gone differently especially with his timetable of things that were supposed to happen when they happened in a certain order. sketchy.
Goddamn what an episode. That final scene with Kim and Jimmy... jesus wept they were acting their asses off. "I love you too... but so what?"
why did Gus Fring walk away from the waiter? He was about to get his dick sucked. No pleasure until Don Eladio is dead? Seeing Eladio again was awesome, his two scenes in the original Breaking Bad are still some of my favorites.
I wonder if we'll see Kim again. Seeing Jimmy in peak BB form was amazing, I think thats the first time we ever saw him living in his Roman mansion. The writing on this show, goddamn. I need to rewatch Breaking Bad again, stat.
I think it was perfect (and made a lot of character sense). So many other shows would have really dragged it out and made it a long melodramatic arc, but this one just hits you with it and then leaves you with that sour after taste of Saul's life without her.
yeah it was well done. My point was, of all the ways she could have gone out and never be referenced in BB, then walking away was the least explosive option