Oh right. It's definitely possible that some little old lady was still using it then even if she probably had other options. I think it was around that time that it came out that a large percentage of AOL's income was people who had gotten other internet but never bothered to cancel their AOL account or thought they still needed it for some reason.
She was streaming videos, though which isn't really doable on dial up
also she "asked jeeves"
She was streaming videos, though which isn't really doable on dial up
It's not unbelievable she would still be using the term even if it was dead. We still say we're 'googling' something even though I'm pretty sure google closed down a long time ago.
How do you know it was streaming? You can download videos on dialup. it would explain why it took her a couple hours and she was still watching it.
I made my wife watch the yep scene. Next time we fuck .....
They showed her streaming cat videos in the previous episode
How do you know it was streaming? Because they cut out the 3 hour download for the sake of TV?
No idea why you're fighting this so hard.
She tells her son how you just push a button and a video pops up. Then later you see that she's literally on Youtube watching a cat riding on a vacuum.
Yeah, the Gene scenes aren't flashbacks. Seems like some people are forgetting YouTube been around since 2006
No idea why you're fighting this so hard.
She tells her son how you just push a button and a video pops up. Then later you see that she's literally on Youtube watching a cat riding on a vacuum.
Yeah I can't figure out when any of this is happening. Doesn't Gene have a flip phone? Didn't she have her phone line plugged into the computer? Yet I figured it should more or less be present day.
i'm not getting into this stupid argument more than this post. but when i got broadband in early 2002. my dialup was something like 78k or 90? and i still couldnt run a fucking video on College Humor or Ebaums and those videos were shitacular quality. point of fact is no old lady can just get a computer and know how to use it straight out. she wouldnt pick Ask Jeeves either. it would have been Yahoo or Google. Google was the main search engine by the early 2000s. yeah Jeeves was still around in some form, but it had long been replaced years earlier back in the 90s. they used that likely because Google didnt give them permission. the modem thing is just dumb though. you could run gifs, but not full videos unless you sat there and waited and waited.Yeah I can't figure out when any of this is happening. Doesn't Gene have a flip phone? Didn't she have her phone line plugged into the computer? Yet I figured it should more or less be present day.
Why does anyone fight about anything on the internet? Because they're right and someone else is wrong. You could "just push a button and a video pops up" in the early days too. It wasn't as fast as we have today but back then no one knew the difference. That's not necessarily streaming. Youtube originally had the option to download the videos. Anyway, if she is in present day using a dial up modem (which is what started all of this) then I guess she's getting a pretty good connection being the only one in the country still using a landline, much less using it for data. Just because our 1200 baud modems wouldn't go that fast doesn't mean a modern day modem can't.