Better Call Saul


one thing i didn't get is what triggered Mike to help out Nerdy McBaseball with his Nacho drug deal after hearing foxy browns story of her husband going MIA while hiking? Mike clearly has quite a bit of cash under ground, so it can't be for the money.

I was thinking it just made him feel bad for leaving the guy out the dry. Maybe the thought of him getting disappeared by the drug mafia.


Ssraeszha Raider
one thing i didn't get is what triggered Mike to help out Nerdy McBaseball with his Nacho drug deal after hearing foxy browns story of her husband going MIA while hiking? Mike clearly has quite a bit of cash under ground, so it can't be for the money. Seems like involving yourself in any way further with Nacho, Salamanca, or Gus is bad news.

jimmy putting on that whole act to get Chucks insurance agent to investigate was stone cold

next week is no new episode due to memorial day, then the final 3 episodes of the season

I figured it had to do with the guy Hector's men killed who just stopped to help with the car issues. Mike mentioned it bothered him and Gus brought it up recently as well.

Mike still wants Hector gone.


FPS noob
but Gus told him point blank last episode that Hector isn't going to die so easily, that he is going to get his revenge on Hector on his own time and he will suffer. So suddenly going along with a plan to maybe poison him is a bit weird. He even told Gus straight up he was cool with letting his beef with Hector go, so its just weird for Mike to act so ... emotional? I dunno, I hope they explain it but right now it feels more like a character acting different to advance a plot, rather than the plot advancing from the way a character acts organically.

I guess it does setup Hector to maybe get stroked out if his medicine is replaced with something else.
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Ssraeszha Raider
Yet, he was pretty ho hum about him being going when Walt blew him up.

Or maybe his existence is so far beneath him at this point, that the bigger ramification of losing Gus took precedence.

He probably figured Hector being unable to walk or effectively communicate was good enough.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
What I think is Breaking Bad universe depicts nicely how most criminal organizations work : clipping any higher up creates a vacuum, which most of the time results in instability, turf wars or power grabbing boogaloo. It's never good for business. Clipping Hector or making him disappear doesn't seem like a smart move right now because he has connections (Eladio) and family (Tuco).


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
one thing i didn't get is what triggered Mike to help out Nerdy McBaseball with his Nacho drug deal after hearing foxy browns story of her husband going MIA while hiking?

I assumed he thought nacho would be able to help him locate the guy. Remember after giving him the advice about swapping the pills back, he said he had to do something for him. Maybe he recognized the area he disappeared as a place that the cartel operates. I didn't really pay attention to where the guy was. Anytime I hear someone is out walking around for no good reason I kind of tune out.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Its the only reason i can think of that her story would make him want to do the job. I mean, we all saw the look of determination on his face, right? He thinks he can do something.


FPS noob
Next weeks episode did not air this week in North America, however Spain for some reason aired it and its on torrent sites now (in english). Not sure what spain is gonna get next week, episode 9 (2 weeks for NA) or episode 8 (this weeks)


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Not gonna spoil anything for an episode that hasn't aired here yet but this show has tension down to a science. No camera tricks or loud noises just perfectly filmed scenes.
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EQ in a browser wait time: ____
grape episode

makes me think the finale will be when everyone turns into the characters we know now. They are almost there. next season will be all about how they live their shady lifestyles
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