slippin jimmy chasin that dollar
slippin tyen doesn't have the same ring
slippin jimmy chasin that dollar
when you're that age and in a home where virtually everyone knows each other. and its likely to be the last people you know. having those last friends taken away from you so you are miserable, it broke my fucking heart. if i knew somebody who did that to an old lady in real life, id beat their ass.Being alienated from her friends was devastating for Irene. It was rage inducing to see her anguish and wondering why all her friends were giving her the cold shoulder due to mental manipulation by slippin Jimmy.
I had forgotten that Jimmy's a piece of shit and kudos to the show for reminding me that Jimmy is a scumlord we shouldn't be rooting for.
Jimmy was the one that set in motion the insurance increase on Chuck/HHM so he knows at least that much for them being pinned in a corner.
your avg 5 8" girl would most likely wear size 9sreally, I always thought.... and her shoes were number 9.
What makes you think Jimmy knows anything about Chuck's lawsuit?
I agree on the car crash. I rewound it a few times too because it was so well done.