<Prior Amod>
idk dude, she looks too rihanana, you know...Nice.
It does require splicing together with the earlier shot of her lying in bed with the covers down to fully appreciate the virtues of the ensemble though.
idk dude, she looks too rihanana, you know...Nice.
It does require splicing together with the earlier shot of her lying in bed with the covers down to fully appreciate the virtues of the ensemble though.
I was saying something similar to my wife. He has 9 million dollars coming plus tons more he already had. Have an off the grid cabin built away from all power with propane deliveries, etc. But obviously he wasn't very rational.
also if i had to guess, the power that electricity might have been to something that has to stay on. maybe a water heater or something
actually, re-watching s1, chuck is broke, jimmy is on his last legs (his 3rd time going under) and he can't keep both of them afloat anymore, until chuck is like "oh we don't have to worry about money, here!!!" and shows a stipend check for 800bucks from Howard, at this point Chuck seemingly has no concept of moneyAnd the fact that he can live in a large house like that for a long time without an income shows he's not really hurting for money (though I imagine he still got something from HHM due to his position). I think Chuck would've viewed that as giving up both trying to get better and his legal career.
well, chuck as a lawyer would be pretty much all on top of his estate and unless jimmy can prove chuck wasnt of sound mind and body he might be able to dispute the will if this ever comes up and he gets left nothing. i dunno if he would get all 9 million from howard as it seemed like a verbal contract between him and chuck and i somehow doubt he gives jimmy one red cent.
also if i had to guess, the power that electricity might have been to something that has to stay on. maybe a water heater or something
I don't think this is the last we'll see of Chuck though. Even if he's dead, I imagine he'll still pop up in flashbacks, because we never even found out what first triggered his illness, did we? Or what happened to his marriage.
That's not what Chuck wanted though. Chuck wanted to go back to being a big shot lawyer because, to Chuck, that was his sole identity. It's why he couldn't stand Jimmy being a lawyer. Chuck saw himself as some great bastion of justice and Jimmy was going to tarnish the occupation and, thus, tarnish Chuck by association. Being able to return to practice law is likely one of the things that's kept him going despite his uncomfortable circumstances. Being brought in on the Sandpiper case in the first season was one of the first times we saw him improving. And now Chuck was getting better to the point where he thought he'd be able to return to HHM only to have that pulled out from under him just as he was getting back to things. And if Chuck doesn't have the law, what does he have? If he doesn't have that to work towards anymore, why keep going?
I think if Chuck wanted to go live off the grid, that's something he could've done right along. He's an accomplished lawyer and founding partner at a successful law firm. And the fact that he can live in a large house like that for a long time without an income shows he's not really hurting for money (though I imagine he still got something from HHM due to his position). I think Chuck would've viewed that as giving up both trying to get better and his legal career.
I don't think this is the last we'll see of Chuck though. Even if he's dead, I imagine he'll still pop up in flashbacks, because we never even found out what first triggered his illness, did we? Or what happened to his marriage.
ok, wasnt sure how that worked, i thought it was one of those things you cant shut off. they even had chuck unplug his phone which uses electricity. maybe the wires of the phoneline were active? no fucking idea then.Do you think it will be difficult to prove chuck wasn't of sound mind? If so, we're not watching the same show.
The 9 million was from the partnership agreement that they mention a few times. I don't know how lawyers work, but I'd be surprised if that wasn't in writing. Jimmy knows about the agreement and the buyout because he mentioned it a couple times in the first season. Maybe you mean that it wasn't in writing that he was invoking it? Hamlin had to take out loans to get the money, I'm sure the separation was in writing.
I was thinking like @Ganthorn , that he was probably hallucinating it. It couldn't be a water heater because he shut down the main circuit breaker. You turn that off, nothing in your house should be getting power.
he's got that super insurance premium for being a crazy buffoon.He was still a lawyer, just not with HHM. There's no reason he couldn't find a new firm or go at it alone
old rj11 phonelines always carried like 50v or so, ppl would use those rj11 to usb chargers for emergencies, this is how somehow on a rotary phone it would have the power to ring, or how you could just plug a basic trimline phone (thats the style, i used to sell these 20years ago in an office store lol) would light up, while only being plugged into the phone jack only.ok, wasnt sure how that worked, i thought it was one of those things you cant shut off. they even had chuck unplug his phone which uses electricity. maybe the wires of the phoneline were active? no fucking idea then.
ok, wasnt sure how that worked, i thought it was one of those things you cant shut off. they even had chuck unplug his phone which uses electricity. maybe the wires of the phoneline were active? no fucking idea then.
the oddest thing was if he was that crazy at the very end, why wouldnt he just run off into the desert where there is no electricity? you would think living in NM the desert would be the first place you got to be off grid. or a bomb shelter or something. its like he was chained to that specific house .LikeLanx said, it had voltage, but that voltage comes from the phone company, not your house power. Shutting off the breaker, even pulling the meter (which he eventually did with the bat) wouldn't stop that electricity. Back in the day phones would usually work even when electricity and water were down after a natural disaster. Phone companies had tons of backup power.
Hell, unplugging the phone didn't kill that electricity. It was still there in the walls like a den of plague rats. Anyway, by the time he unplugged the phone, he was totally grasping at straws.
he's got that super insurance premium for being a crazy buffoon.
i do remember when chuck/jimmy fucked up 1216 to 1261, Kim was saying Chuck is looking at 10pt font w/ a lantern anyone could make that mistake.He knew what he was doing when he kicked that lantern over. He didn't want to live off the grid out in the desert. We saw that he was awake. He was kicking at it like a petulant child whose dad told him to stop kicking the table, then went into the other room. Didn't Jimmy / Kim bring up how dangerous it was to have the lantern on top of stacks of newspapers when they destroyed him in the hearing?
actually, re-watching s1, chuck is broke, jimmy is on his last legs (his 3rd time going under) and he can't keep both of them afloat anymore, until chuck is like "oh we don't have to worry about money, here!!!" and shows a stipend check for 800bucks from Howard, at this point Chuck seemingly has no concept of money
That dinner party where we were introduced to Chuck's ex-wife, you could see that Chuck was in the beginning stages of his illness. The whole house was just barely above a passable level of being lit.
Clip: Dinner at Chuck’s House: Episode 205: Rebecca
Inside Episode 205: Better Call Saul: Rebecca
He knew what he was doing when he kicked that lantern over. He didn't want to live off the grid out in the desert. We saw that he was awake. He was kicking at it like a petulant child whose dad told him to stop kicking the table, then went into the other room. Didn't Jimmy / Kim bring up how dangerous it was to have the lantern on top of stacks of newspapers when they destroyed him in the hearing?
Even then, he still could've sold his part of HHM to fund going off the grid. Regardless, I think if Chuck really wanted to go off the grid, it wouldn't have been impossible for him to find the means to do so. He just had no interest in doing that since he obviously wasn't ready to give up that part of his life. And really, why would he anyways? Up until this episode, he was perfectly comfortable in his house with the modifications he made.
The scene where chuck, jimmy and her have dinner then chuck freaks out when she's on her cell phone? I thought that was post breakup but chuck was trying to win her back, not 'pre-marriage'? Which suggested the condition didn't start at all till after they broke up, and was caused by his anxiety/depression basically.Right, we only really see it as it's progressing. We never see what initially sets it off. I originally thought it had to do with his wife leaving him, but then we found out this season that it was already ramping up when he was first seeing her, though maybe her leaving is what made him a lot worse since she was surprised at his condition.