Yea I totally agree. They revealed their hand too much with the Kai character.
Then you have the German leader, who is a sympathetic figure, his father an engineer who helped design the world famous Sydney Opera House, a man with a family, a beautiful family who he has never been away from for any stretch of time. All of this character building is sadly just a means to an end, as the writers need to create some weight behind the German engineering crew from an emotional standpoint, for when Mike has to kill them all.
It not only makes that story arch worth while in the end, its the coupe de grace for the development of the "mike" character we see in BB. He has always been this mysterious figure, the crooked shit back when he was a cop, and now him not taking any half measures with these Germans.
They kind of did the same with Kim. The whole Viet lady giving Jimmy a drink, lamenting about how he must of made his girl mad. The separation and distance, only to be bridged by the dark arts in the end, an odd but effective twist. Most people thought Kim would exit the world of Saul/BB because her moral compass, but its exactly the lack of that in the end that is going to sink her.
A great, great show.